Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
A specified procedure for distress identification and assessment for urban road surfaces based on PCI | COATINGS | 2017 |
Ride quality due to road surface irregularities: Comparison of different methods applied on a set of real road profiles | COATINGS | 2017 |
Development of a road asset management system in Kazakhstan | Transport infrastructure and systems : proceedings of the AIIT International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems (TIS 2017), Rome, Italy, 10-12 April 2017 | 2017 |
Building Information Modeling (BIM): prospects for the development of Railway Infrastructure industry. | Transport infrastructure and systems : proceedings of the AIIT International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems (TIS 2017), Rome, Italy, 10-12 April 2017 | 2017 |
Bridge expansion joint in road transition curve: effects assessment on heavy vehicles | APPLIED SCIENCES | 2017 |
Accessibilità ferroviaria al nuovo stadio di Roma | INGEGNERIA FERROVIARIA | 2017 |
Sampietrini stone pavements: Distress analysis using pavement condition index method | APPLIED SCIENCES | 2017 |
Three-dimensional survey method of pavement texture using photographic equipment | MEASUREMENT | 2017 |
Reference trajectories of vehicles for road alignment design | Transport Infrastructure and Systems | 2017 |
Reliance of pavement texture characteristics on mix-design and compaction process | 8th RILEM International Symposium on Testing and Characterization of Sustainable and Innovative Bituminous Materials | 2016 |
Rail roughness and rolling noise in tramways | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES | 2016 |
Risk analysis in the surrounding areas of one-runway airports: A methodology to preliminary calculus of PSZs dimensions | JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES | 2016 |
Global assessment method of road distresses | Life-Cycle of Structural Systems Design, Assessment, Maintenance and Management. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, 16-19 November 2014, Tokyo, Japan | 2015 |
Evaluation methods for improving surface geometry of concrete floors. A case study | CASE STUDIES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING | 2015 |
Measurement methods and analysis tools for rail irregularities. A case study for urban tram track | JOURNAL OF MODERN TRANSPORTATION | 2015 |
Involving the private sector in tramway track network maintenance: case study of the City of Rome | Advances in Public-Private Partnerships - Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Public-Private Partnerships | 2015 |
Calibrazione di modelli FE per lo studio delle vibrazioni ferroviarie mediante misure sperimentali | Atti del IV Convegno Nazionale Sicurezza ed Esercizio Ferroviario. Soluzioni e Strategie per lo Sviluppo del Trasporto Ferroviario | 2015 |
Capacità di mitigazione delle vibrazioni ferroviarie delle trincee piene | Atti del IV Convegno Nazionale Sicurezza ed Esercizio Ferroviario. Soluzioni e Strategie per lo Sviluppo del Trasporto Ferroviario | 2015 |
Soglie di accettabilità per le irregolarità delle rotaie tranviarie | Sicurezza ed esercizio ferroviario. Soluzioni e strategie per lo sviluppo del trasporto ferroviario. Atti del 4. Convegno nazionale, Roma 2 ottobre 2015 | 2015 |
Parametri di riferimento per la definizione della geometria dei tracciati ferroviari: limiti di interoperabilità e normativi | Atti del IV Convegno Nazionale Sicurezza ed Esercizio Ferroviario. Soluzioni e Strategie per lo Sviluppo del Trasporto Ferroviario | 2015 |
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