Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Idiopathic pes cavus in adults is not associated with neurophysiological impairment in the lower limbs | NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES | 2015 |
Delayed intraparenchymal hematoma following diagnostic lumbar puncture | NEUROLOGIST | 2015 |
Prefronto-cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation increases amplituded and decreases latency of P3b component in patients with euthymic bipolar disorder | NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISEASE AND TREATMENT | 2015 |
Attentional dysfunctions after hippocampal stroke: evidence from Event-Related Potentials in a case report. | NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TRENDS | 2015 |
The role of cerebellum in the attentional processing of the stimulus: evidence from an Event-Related Potentials and transranial Direct Current Stimulation study | NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TRENDS | 2015 |
Effects of mental fatigue on attention network test: contributions from ERPs | NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TRENDS | 2015 |
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