Annalisa Tanzilli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Monkeypox: New epidemic or fake news? Study of psychological and social factors associated with fake news attitudes of monkeypox in Italy FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Who Is Afraid of Monkeypox? Analysis of Psychosocial Factors Associated with the First Reactions of Fear of Monkeypox in the Italian Population BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 2023
Multidimensional Assessment of Therapeutic Outcomes: Toward a Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2)-Oriented Approach to Psychotherapy Research PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Personalità, difese, mentalizzazione e fiducia epistemica associate alle strategie di contenimento della Pandemia e alle politiche vaccinali: un’indagine empirica Abstract book "Traiettorie locali e globali per costruire salute" - SIPSA 2023
Therapist responsiveness and clinical relationship in the treatment of patients with personality disorders: An empirical investigation Book of Abstracts - 31º Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia 2023
Two shades of narcissism and their associations with defense mechanisms, mentalization, and social mentalities Book of Abstracts - 31º Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia 2023
Defense mechanisms in patients with depressive disorders: a study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis SPR 54th International Annual Meeting Scientific Program 2023
Personality in Chronic Headache: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT 2023
Heart rate variability alterations in takotsubo syndrome and related association with psychological factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2023
Borderline Personality Disorder and High-Risk for Psychosis Research: a Scoping Review Scientific Program of SPR 54th International Annual Meeting 2023 2023
The catcher in the mind: validation of the brief-mentalized affectivity scale for adolescents in the Italian population RESEARCH IN PSYCHOTHERAPY 2023
Trust inside and outside the therapeutic room: epistemic trust, psychological functioning, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic 18th European Congress of Psychology, Abstracts 2023
The Diagnostic Use of Countertransference in Psychodynamic Practice The Clinician in the Psychiatric Diagnostic Process 2022
Editorial. Personality and Disease. New Directions in Modern Research FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Psychodiagnostic Chart–Child (PDC–C): a valid and clinically sensitive diagnostic tool for patient-tailored intervention planning RESEARCH IN PSYCHOTHERAPY 2022
Personality Disorders in Childhood: Validity of the Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory for Children (CPNI) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
The CPAP-Q: A Q-Sort Assessment Procedure for assessing traits and emerging personality patterns in childhood ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA 2022
Patient Personality Dimensions, Relational Patterns, and Therapeutic Alliance in Clinical Practice: An Empirical Investigation CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOTHERAPY 2022
Perceived Anxiety, Coping, and Autonomic Function in Takotsubo Syndrome Long after the Acute Event LIFE 2022
Pathways toward suicide in adolescent patients with emerging borderline and narcissistic personality syndromes: A PDM-2-oriented empirical investigation. Book of Abstracts 2022


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Interessi di ricerca

Psicologa, psicoterapeuta di formazione psicoanalitica.
Ph.D. in Psicologia Dinamica, Clinica e dello Sviluppo. Ricercatrice (RTDB) in Psicologia Dinamica presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia Dinamica, Clinica e Salute, Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia, SAPIENZA Università di Roma.

I suoi principali interessi di ricerca sono:

  • diagnosi, valutazione e trat­tamento dei disturbi di personalità in età adulta e adolescenza;
  • transfert, controtransfert e alleanza terapeutica;
  • valutazione del processo e dell’e­sito delle psicoterapie; 
  • meccanismi di difesa;
  • identità di genere e orientamento sessuale.

Per il Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2); è stata consultant della sezione dedicata all’assessment diagnostico. Nel 2019 ha vinto il PDM-2 Research Grant conferito dal comitato scientifico del Psychodyna­mic Diagnostic Manual, 2nd Edition (PDM-2) e dall’Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders (ICDL).


personality disorders
psychotherapy outcome
depressive disorder
defense mechanism
therapeutic alliance
Adolescent depression

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