Tiziana Ferrante


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The promoting of short supply chain wood products protecting biodiversity On sustainable built environment between connections and greenery 2022
Pre-Occupancy Evaluation in Hospital Rooms for Efficient Use of Natural Light. Improved Proposals BUILDINGS 2022
Home and healthcare. The prospect of home adaptation through a computational design decision-support system THE EVOLVING SCHOLAR 2022
Introduzione BASES Benessere Ambiente Sostenibilità Energia Salute 2022
L’Amministrazione Pubblica.Tiziana Ferrante intervista Iolanda De Luca La tecnologia dell’architettura in una società che cambia alla luce del Convegno SITdA 2019 2021
Tra umanizzazione e digitalizzazione degli spazi di cura: casi studio e strategie progettuali / Between humanization and digitalization of care spaces: case studies and design strategies TECHNE 2021
Environmental Physical and Perceived Quality in Hospice HERD 2021
La filiera corta del legno: un’opportunità per la bio-economia forestale in Italia/ The short wood supply chain: an opportunity for the forest bio-economy in Italy FOREST@ 2021
Impact of aging: the new frontier of healthcare at home Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices 2021
Improving the patient room: lessons from acuity adaptable room Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices 2021
Positive Energy Districts and Energy Efficiency in Buildings: An Innovative Technical Communication Sheet to Facilitate Policy Officers’ Understanding to Enable Technologies and Procedure ENERGIES 2021
Prefiguring the reuse of historic hospitals: an approach methodology to design in the digital age World Heritage and Design for Health 2021
L'amministrazione pubblica.Tiziana Ferrante intervista Iolanda De Luca La Tecnologia dell'Architettura in una società che cambia. 2021
La sicurezza incendi in ambito ospedaliero PROGETTARE PER LA SANITÀ 2020
Vivere alla quota zero Progettare in vivo la rigenerazione urbana 2020
Access City Award. Azioni e soluzioni per città inclusive e accessibili Access City Award. Actions and solutions for inclusive and accessible cities URBANISTICA DOSSIER 2020
Welfare urbano e progettazione inclusiva. Access City Award e le soluzioni premiate. Urban welfare and inclusive planning. Access City Award and award-winning solutions. ANANKE 2020
Active Assistend Living. Soluzioni personalizzate per le Residenze degli Anziani indipendenti Design in the Digital Age. Technology Nature Culture / Il Progetto nell'Era Digitale. Tecnologia Natura Cultura 2020
Technological design and social innovation Producing Project 2020
Social, economic and environmental sustainability in planning community services Designing Resilience 2019

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