Alessia Renzi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Association among romantic attachment, couple relational characteristics and positive outcome in assisted reproductive treatment MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Assessing Alexithymia: the first application of TSIA on obese patients Psychotherapy and psychosomaticsPSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 2019
The psychosomatic perspective Psychotherapy and psychosomaticsPSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 2019
Are romantic attachment and couple relational characteristics predictive of assisted reproductive treatment positive outcomes? PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 2019
Alessitimia, qualità della relazione di coppia e attaccamento romantico in donne infertili: quale associazione con gli esiti delle tecniche di Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita? 2019
Association between epicardial fat thickness and cognitive function in elderly. a preliminary study ANNALI DELL'ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITÀ 2019
Alexithymia according to Bucci's multiple code theory. A preliminary investigation with healthy and hypertensive individuals PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 2018
La scrittura espressiva secondo Pennebaker nella Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita In-fertilità un approccio multidisciplinare 2018
Dall’iter diagnostico alla scelta del processo terapeutico: una panoramica sul percorso che affronta la coppia con problemi di fertilità In-fertilità un approccio multidisciplinare 2018
L’infertilità tra individuo e cultura. Le parole per dirlo In-fertilità. Un approccio multidisciplinare 2018
The development of a new tool for the evaluation of handicap in elderly: the Geriatric Handicap Scale (GHS) AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH 2018
The effect of a physical training with the use of an exoskeleton on depression levels in institutionalized elderly patients. a pilot study THE JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, HEALTH & AGING 2018
An exoskeleton in the rehabilitation of institutionalized elderly patients at high risk of falls. a pilot study JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION 2018
A new tool for the evaluation of the rehabilitation outcomes in older persons. a machine learning model to predict functional status 1 year ahead EUROPEAN GERIATRIC MEDICINE 2018
The italian version of the Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children (AQC). Factor structure and reliability RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2018
Alexithymia in obese patients seeking surgical Treatment: comparison between Toronto Structered Interview for Alexithtmia and 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale” Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology MJCP 2018
Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Treatment: The Role of Alexithymia, Romantic Attachment and Marital Relationship on the Quality of Life JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH 2018
The Effects of the Perception of Being Recognized by Patients With Alzheimer Disease on a Caregiver’s Burden and Psychophysical Health THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE CARE 2018
Thyroid hormones, metabolic syndrome and Vitamin D in middle-aged and older euthyroid subjects: a preliminary study AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH 2018
Assisted Reproductive Treatment: the role of Alexithymia, Romantic Attachment, Marital Relationship on Couple’s Quality of Life MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018

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