Barbara Caravale


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Complementary feeding and maternal responsiveness in 8-month-old infants XXIII International Congress of Infant Studies, Ottawa, Canada 2022
Baby-led weaning in Italy and potential implications for child development in the first two years of life BCCCD - Budapest Ceu Conference on Cognitive Development 2021 - Program and abstracts 2021
Breastfeeding and cognitive development in 4-month-old children BCCCD - Budapest Ceu Conference on Cognitive Development 2021 - Program and abstracts 2021
Il sonno nelle prime fasi di vita: relazione con la salute mentale materna in tempo di pandemia Libro degli atti del Convegno 2021
Handwriting in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Is Legibility the Only Indicator of a Poor Performance? OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN HEALTH CARE 2021
Is a baby-led weaning style related to motor and language development? Preliminary evidence from two cultures Protolang Conference-online 2021
Isolated auditory neuropathy at birth in congenital cytomegalovirus infection THE ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 2020
Executive functions in preschool children with chronic insomnia JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE 2020
Uniparental disomy of chromosome 16: a case report with a new cardiac malformation Abstracts from the 53rd European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference: e-Posters EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 2020
Risk of Developmental Coordination Disorder in Italian very preterm children at school age compared to general population controls EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY 2019
Developmental motor profile in preschool children with primary stereotypic movement disorder BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2019
Pre-handwriting skills and Executive Function in pre-schoolers 13th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder University of Jyväskylä, Finland, June 5–8, 2019 Abstract Book 2019
Motor skills and executive functions of 3- to 5-year old preterm children 13th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder University of Jyväskylä, Finland, June 5–8, 2019 Abstract Book 2019
Daily motor characteristics in children with developmental coordination disorder and in children with specific learning disorder DYSLEXIA 2018
Lo Studio SCoPre (Sviluppo Cognitivo e Prematurità): dati preliminari sullo sviluppo dei “Late Preterms” in età scolare QUADERNI ACP 2018
Plusdotazione e Dislessia: complessità e criticità dell’iter diagnostico Atti XXVII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE AIRIPA Arezzo 2018
An international collaboration for identifying cross-cultural differences in motor development of young preschoolers Atti WFOT CONGRESS 2018 2018
Abilità di pre-scrittura e funzioni esecutive in bambini tra i 3 e i 5 anni RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2017
Sleep characteristics and temperament in preterm children at two years of age JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE 2017
Neurodevelopmental outcome of Italian preterm children at 1 year of corrected age by Bayley-III scales: an assessment using local norms EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 2017

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