Sabrina Lucibello


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Innovation in design through materials: the Project-based Learning (PbL) Method INTED2018: 12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2018
Esperimenti di design. Ricerca e innovazione con e dei materiali 2018
Experience of Material Tinkering from Waste in the Year 3-Year 5 Primary School Age Range as an Introduction to Design and Sustainability JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND PRACTICE 2018
Comunicare il design QUAD 2018
Design, ingegno e immaginazione DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2018
Design, ingenuity and imagination Design After Modernity_diid book series 2018
Design, ingegno e immaginazione | Design, ingenuity, and imagination DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2018
Il project-based-learning (PBL) method Esperimenti di Design. Ricerca e innovazione con e dei materiali 2018
From Science to Design: the Design4Materials virtuous cycle Design for Next - Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Design Conference 2017
Progetto di Allestimento della mostra per gli ottant'anni della città universitaria della Sapienza università di Roma 2017
New Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Research on the Role of Design with New Materials: 'Open' Spaces-Methodologies-Design Process 4D Designing Development Developing Design, International conference, Interdisciplinary Research Perspectives on the Role of Design in combining Social, Technological and Business Development, Hosted by Kaunas University of Technology, 28-30 September 2017, Kaunas Lithuania, Conference Proceedings 2017
Materia primordiale e Growing Design ANANKE 2015
Design as a Service Incubator for Social Interaction and Innovation. The “Oficina Solidaria” Model for the Rocinha Favela in Brazil The virtuous circle. Design Culture and Sperimentation 2015
Una riflessione multidisciplinare sui fondamenti della Modernità | A Multidisciplinary Reflection on the Fundamentals of Modernity Type & Model idee, progetti, azioni. ideas, projects, actionsPLANNING DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 2015
Design as a Service Incubator for Social Interaction and Innovation. The “Oficina Solidaria” Model for the Rocinha Favela in Brazil The Virtuous Circle 2015
Dire fare giocare. Paper design for children Paper Design. Materiali, Produzione, Artefatti 2015
Il design italiano: vie di sperimentazione tra innovazione e utopia PLANNING DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 2015
Quando le cattedrali erano bianche. Viaggio nel paese dei timidi (selezione critica) Le Corbusier. Antologia degli scritti 2015

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