Alessandro Maria Paganini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Author’s reply: are adrenal lesions of 6 cm or more in diameter a contraindication to laparoscopic adrenalectomy? A case control study WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2021
Cancer risk in adrenalectomy: are adrenal lesions equal or more than 4 cm a contraindication for laparoscopy? SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY 2021
Opening schools and trends in SARS-CoV-2 transmission in European countries INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Total gastrectomy after endotherapy failure for management of chronic gastric leakage from sleeve gastrectomy: The end of a nightmare CHIRURGIA 2021
Individualisierte Nebennierenchirurgie Viszeralchirurgische Operationen und technische Varianten 2021
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and fibrosis associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events in a prospective study CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY 2020
Invited commentary on “Prediction of postoperative mortality and morbidity in octogenarians with gastric cancer . Comparison of P-POSSUM, O-POSSUM, and E-POSSUM. A retrospective single-center cohort study” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2020
Acute cholecystitis during COVID-19 pandemic. A multisocietary position statement WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY 2020
Gastroesophageal reflux disease - health-related quality of life questionnaire. Prospective development and validation in italian EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY 2020
One-stage laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy, cholecystectomy and choledochotomy by a transperitoneal anterior approach Case report of a combined management for a challenging condition ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2020
Laparoscopic repair of giant Morgagni hernia by direct suturing with V-Loc MINERVA CHIRURGICA 2020
One-stage laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy, cholecystectomy and choledochotomy by a transperitoneal anterior approach Case report of a combined management for a challenging condition ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2020
Endo-SPONGE pulley system for the treatment of chronic anastomotic leakage after rectal resection. A case report ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2020
How i do it: laparoscopic implantation of lower esophageal sphincter stimulator for the treatment of gastro-esophageal reflux disease LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY 2020
Minimally invasive approach to the adrenal gland in obese patients with Cushing’s syndrome MINIMALLY INVASIVE THERAPY & ALLIED TECHNOLOGIES 2019
Laparoscopic bilateral anterior transperitoneal adrenalectomy. 24 Years experience SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY 2019
Routine near infra-red indocyanine green fluorescent cholangiography versus intraoperative cholangiography during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A case-matched comparison SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY 2019
Results after laparoscopic left anterior transperitoneal submesocolic adrenalectomy for the treatment of pheochromocytoma ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2019
Quality of life and anorectal function after transanal surgery for rectal cancer. A literature review ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2019
Fluorescence-based cholangiography. Preliminary results from the IHU-IRCAD-EAES EURO-FIGS registry SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY 2019

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma