Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Il Periodo Protodinastico | Archeologia della Mesopotamia antica | 2015 |
L'impero neo-assiro | Archeologia della Mesopotamia antica | 2015 |
Archeologia della Mesopotamia antica | 2015 | |
How Do We Want the Past to Be? On Methods and Instruments of Visualizing Ancient Reality | 2015 | |
The (dis)embodiment of architecture. Reflections on the mirroring effect of virtual reality | How do we want the past to be? On methods and instruments of visualizing ancient reality | 2015 |
How Do We Want the Past to Be? On Methods and Instruments of Visualizing the Ancient Reality | 2015 | |
An urban perspective of Nineveh | MESOPOTAMIA | 2015 |
The Northern Gate at Tell Mardikh-Ebla. An attempt at reconstruction | ANNALES ARCHÉOLOGIQUES ARABES SYRIENNES | 2015 |
Looking at music: the representation of the ancient Near East between fiction and reality in the age of orientalism | Music, politics and ideology in the visual arts | 2015 |
My main interests of research concern: art, architecture and urbanism in the Assyrian period; the study of ancient warfare; the use, meaning and reception of the production of images and pictures in ancient Mesopotamia and Syria with articles as single author and co-authored studies on the impact of pictures in ancient societies; the incipient urbanism in ancient Mesopotamia and the Early Dynastic Period (third millennium BC) of ancient southern Mesopotamia.
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