Luca Iocchi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Design of robot teaching assistants through multi-modal human-robot interactions Robotics in Education. Latest Results and Developments 2018
Methodology and Results on Teaching Maths Using Mobile Robots ROBOT 2017: Third IberianRobotics Conference 2018
A Lightweight Navigation System for Mobile Robots ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference 2018
Benchmarking speech understanding in service robotics AIRO 2017 Artificial intelligence and robotics. Proceedings of the 4th Italian workshop on artificial Intelligence and robotics a workshop of the XVI International conference of the italian association for artificial Intelligence ( AI*IA 2017 ), Bari, Italy, november 14-15, 2017 2018
Do Not Make the Same Mistakes Again and Again: Learning Local Recovery Policies for Navigation from Human Demonstrations IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 2018
Task-oriented conversational agent self-learning based on sentiment analysis NL4AI 2018 Natural Language for Artificial Intelligence 2018
Distributed on-line dynamic task assignment for multi-robot patrolling AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS 2017
Parallel multi-modal background modeling PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS 2017
A distributed approach for real-time multi-camera multiple object tracking MACHINE VISION AND APPLICATIONS 2017
Coloured petri net plans for cooperative multi-robot systems AIRO 2016 artificial intelligence and robotics proceedings of the 3rd italian workshop on artificial intelligence and robotics : a workshop of the XV international conference of the italian association for artificial intelligence ( AI*IA 2016 ), Genova, Italy, november 28, 2016 2017
RoCKIn@Home: domestic robots challenge RoCKIn. Benchmarking through robot competitions 2017
Short-term human-robot interaction through conditional planning and execution Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2017
Dealing with on-line human-robot negotiations in hierarchical agent-based task planner Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2017
Grounding natural language instructions in industrial robotics Proceedings of the IROS 2017 Workshop "Human-Robot Interaction in Collaborative Manufacturing Environments (HRI-CME) 2017
Living with robots: Interactive environmental knowledge acquisition ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS 2016
Contexts for Symbiotic Autonomy: Semantic Mapping, Task Teaching and Social Robotics The workshops of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2016
Online real-time crowd behavior detection in video sequences COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING 2016
Robotic teaching assistance for the "tower of Hanoi" problem INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES 2016
Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage 2016
A synthesis of automated planning and reinforcement learning for efficient, robust decision-making ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2016

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