Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
5FU/Oxaliplatin-induced Jagged1 cleavage counteracts apoptosis induction in colorectal cancer: a novel mechanism of intrinsic drug resistance | FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY | 2022 |
A dynamic role of mastermind-like 1: a journey through the main (path)ways between development and cancer | FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY | 2020 |
Wnt, notch, and TGF-β pathways impinge on hedgehog signaling complexity: an open window on cancer | FRONTIERS IN GENETICS | 2019 |
Kras/ADAM17-dependent Jag1-ICD reverse signalling sustains CRC progression and chemoresistance | CANCER RESEARCH | 2019 |
Maml1 acts cooperatively with Gli proteins to regulate Sonic hedgheog signaling pathway | CELL DEATH & DISEASE | 2017 |
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