
2020 - Per la costruzione dell'identità nazionale. Francesco De Sanctis e Pasquale Stanislao Mancini dalla provincia meridionale all'Europa
2020 - Proceedings of 2020 17th international bhurban conference on applied sciences and technology, (IBCAST)
Ahmad, Abas; Raza, Muhammad Aamir; Campana, Francesca
2020 - Le società a controllo pubblico. Atti del convegno, Palermo, 25-26 maggio 2018
2020 - New horizons in the study of the Early Bronze III and Early Bronze IV of the Levant
2020 - New horizons in the study of the Early Bronze III and Early Bronze IV in the Levant
Vacca, Agnese; D'Andrea, Marta
2020 - L’architettura del giardino in Europa. Evoluzione storica e nuove prospettive
2020 - Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination. IMG 2019.
Martone, Maria; Giugliano, Alessandra Marina; Gaeta, Salvatore
2020 - Cicerone e Seneca. Atti dell’XI Simposio ciceroniano, Arpino 10 maggio 2019
2020 - Linguaggi settoriali e specialistici. Sincronia, diacronia, traduzione, variazione, Atti del XV Congresso SILFI (Genova, 28-30 maggio 2018)
Fusco, Francesca
2020 - Le Società per la società: ricerca, scenari, emergenze. Atti del Convegno Internazionale SIRD Roma 26-27 settembre 2019 SIRD, SIPES, SIREM, SIEMeS. II tomo • Sezione SIPeS Ricerca, scenari, emergenze sull’inclusione a cura di Roberta Caldin
2020 - MODELLIERUNG-C 2020, co-located with Modellierung 2020 - Workshop on Conceptual Modeling 2020, co-located with Modeling 2020
2020 - Pregnancies, Childbirths, and Religions: Rituals, Normative Perspectives, and Individual Appropriations. A Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective from Antiquity to the Present
2020 - From the Prehistory of Upper Mesopotamia to the Bronze and Iron Age societies of the Levant. Volume 1. Proceedings of the 5th “Broadening Horizons” Conference (Udine 5-8 June 2017)
D'Andrea, Marta
2020 - Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Volume 1
Richard, Suzanne; Polcaro, Andrea; D'Andrea, Marta; Clark, Douglas R.
2020 - INTED2020 Proceedings 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
DE ROSA, Anna Maria Silvana; Latini, Martina; GAGLIARDI, GIORGIA; MARSAN, LUCA
2020 - INTED2020 Proceedings 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
DE ROSA, Anna Maria Silvana; BOCCI, Elena; Salvati, Marco; LATINI, MARTINA; Bonito, Mattia; Nicola, Carpigniano; Antonio, Nubola; Gianpaolo, Tovo
2020 - 19th Conference on Applied Mathematics, APLIMAT 2020 Proceedings
de Marchis, M.; Menghini, M.; Rogora, E.
2020 - 19th Conference on Applied Mathematics, APLIMAT 2020 Proceedings
Bologna, F.; Perrotta, A.; Rogora, E.; Veronesi, I.
2020 - Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 9th International Conference, Workshops
Badea, G.; Popescu, E.; Sterbini, A.; Temperini, M.

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