Rare diseases

Rare diseases

We are a national referral center for rare endocrine and andrological diseases. We follow-up disorders presenting with impaired gonadal maturation, altered metabolic phenotype and bone complications. We have a particular interest in Klinefelter syndrome and high-grade sexual chromosomes aneuploidies (HGAs). We are at the last stage of evaluation for approval by the ERN – European Endocrine Reference Network for rare diseases.

Oncological Endocrinology

Oncological Endocrinology

Working in the largest University Hospital in central Italy, we are a referral center for oncological patients suffering from a variety of tumors and/or developing endocrine complications. This comprises a lot of clinical work that gives us the opportunity to improve their quality of life, morbidity and mortality. We strive to give the most to our patients, and they give back energy, motivation and their happy participation in several clinical studies.

Molecular & Metabolic Endocrinology

Molecular & Metabolic Endocrinology

We are exploring new players involved in the interplay between metabolism and intracrinology. Using a mixed basic and translational approach, we are fascinated by how the complexity of phosphodiesterases and intracellular hormonal metabolism can shape adipocytes, endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, stem cells, and cancer cells response to challenges.

Andrological endocrinology

Andrological endocrinology

Our institution has a long-standing tradition in andrological research, with the first academic position being established in Rome in 1981. We have contributed to writing pioneering meta-analyses and national and international guidelines on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in male hypogonadism, infertility, and sexual dysfunction. In the past decade, we have focused on developing advanced imaging techniques for testicular disorders. We established the first International School of Ultrasound in Andrology for the European Academy of Andrology.

Adrenal and pituitary disorders

Adrenal and pituitary disorders

All glands are created equal, but some glands are more equal than the others. Understanding the complications and the development of new treatments for pituitary and adrenal disorders has exploded in the past decades. We have contributed to investigating and systematically analyzing the available evidence. Our favorite condition is the most difficult of them all, Cushing's syndrome. Nonetheless, the international community has also appreciated our research on obesity, the metabolic effect of GH, and the treatments used to manage its excess.

Cardiovascular endocrinology

Cardiovascular endocrinology

Cardiologists have taught us how to conduct large and rigorous clinical trials, but now cardiologists are using our endocrine tools! The beta-adrenergic signaling or the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and more recently the SGLT2 inhibitors, are examples of how neuroendocrine control is central to cardiovascular function. In 'endocrine hands', we are taking back such tools to reveal the molecular players involved.

Circadian rhythms and neuro-immuno-endocrinology

Circadian rhythms and neuro-immuno-endocrinology

Rhythm rules everything in our lives, and we believe that circadian biology can offer a key to understanding the unexplained or puzzling evidence in the complexity of endocrine feedback loops. The metabolic consequences of the disruption of clock genes are well-known. We are now adding a further level of complexity, showing how circadian rhythms of the immune system are tightly linked to the endocrine rhythms, especially that of glucocorticoids. The big picture we are in now is that of "neuro-immuno-endocrinology." We love it!

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma