Infrastrutture di ricerca

Attrezzatura Responsabile Key Enabling Technologies Descrizione Struttura
Fast- and Ultra-Fast liquid chromatography and online circular dichroism and fluorimetric detections, U/HPLC CD-PDA-FP Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Ultra-high performance liquid chromatograph (UHPLC) equipped with a manual injector and coupled with multi detectors: photodiode array PDA,... DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIE DEL FARMACO
High performance liquid chromatography UHPLC Life-science technologies & biotechnologies UHPLC associato ai seguenti detector: fluorimetro, ampreometrico, UV : permette l’identificazione e la quantificazione di aminoacidi... DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIA
Tissue microarray Tissue microarray (TMA) refers to the relocation of multiple tissues blocks to observe multiple samples on the same slide. TMA contains biomolecules... DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E BIOTECNOLOGIE MEDICO-CHIRURGICHE
termocamera FLIR T540 w/24° Lens, 464x348, -20°C to 2000°C Thermal camera including standard optics f = 36mmFLIR T1020 w/28° Lens, 1024x768, -40°C to +2000°C The thermographic instrumentation will be flexible...
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) - JEOL JEM F200 Nanotechnologies The TEM is equipped with high-performance additional packages in order to be not just a 'high resolution electron microscope', but a complete... CENTRO DI RICERCA PER LE NANOTECNOLOGIE APPLICATE ALL'INGEGNERIA - CNIS
Micro-spettrofotometro Raman Advanced materials The Raman micro-spectrophotomiter is a Dilor instrument equipped with a red laser (632.5 nm), a Semrock edge filter and a 1800 grids/mm gratings. It... DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA
Philips iU22 Life-science technologies & biotechnologies The Philips iU22 is an ultrasound machine that offers superior image quality through xMatrix transducers, also allowing elastography and contrast-... DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA SPERIMENTALE
Quantum Cascade Laser for Micro/Nanometric Spectroscopy - QCL MIRcat Nanotechnologies The MIRcat-xB is a field-proven multi-quantum cascade laser system. It features high-speed tuning, high spectral repeatability, improved thermal... DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA
SapienzaTerahertz: THz spectroscopic image system for basic and applied sciences The laboratory is equipped with a state of the art Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) THz sources with emission powers in the mW... DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DI BASE ED APPLICATE PER L'INGEGNERIA
A multi-purpose low-energy proton source for tailoring the properties of quantum materials, advanced insulators for optics, and solid cells for energy applications (AMLET) Nanotechnologies The Kaufman source acquired allows varying the proton beam energy from 10 to 1200 eV with a high degree of reproducibility and control. The same... DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA

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