
Malignancy and mortality in paediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease: a 3-year prospective, multinational study from the paediatric IBD Porto group of ESPGHAN

Background: Risk benefit strategies in managing inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are dependent upon understanding the risks of uncontrolled inflammation vs those of treatments. Malignancy and mortality in IBD have been associated with disease-related inflammation and immune suppression, but data are limited due to their rare occurrence. Aim: To identify and describe the most common causes of mortality, types of cancer and previous or current therapy among children and young adults with paediatric-onset IBD.

Management of paediatric ulcerative colitis, part 1: Ambulatory Care-An Evidence-based Guideline From European Crohn's and Colitis Organization and European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Background: The contemporary management of ambulatory ulcerative colitis (UC) continues to be challenging with 20% of children needing a colectomy within childhood years. We thus aimed to standardize daily treatment of pediatric UC and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)-unclassified through detailed recommendations and practice points. Methods: These guidelines are a joint effort of the European Crohn's and Colitis Organization (ECCO) and the Paediatric IBD Porto group of European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN).

Management of paediatric ulcerative colitis, part 2: Acute severe colitis - An evidence-based consensus guideline from the european Crohn's and colitis organization and the european society of paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition

Background and aim: Acute severe colitis (ASC) is one of the few emergencies in pediatric gastroenterology. Tight monitoring and timely medical and surgical interventions may improve outcomes and minimize morbidity and mortality. We aimed to standardize daily treatment of ASC in children through detailed recommendations and practice points which are based on a systematic review of the literature and consensus of experts.

New HVDC technology in Pan-European power system planning

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology will play a more central role in the future grid development than it had in the past due to the technological developments, the increasing use of renewable energy resources and the more ambitious European goals. These evolutions introduce new challenges in power transmission planning and have an impact on the choices of technology and the geographical location of interconnection projects.

Inequality of opportunity in tertiary education in Europe

This report provides comparable estimates of inequality of opportunity for tertiary education for about 30 countries in Europe, exploiting the two EU-SILC waves for which information on family background is available (2005 and 2011). It exploits the two point-in-time observations available for most of the countries and analyzes the relationship between many institutional dimensions and inequality of opportunity in tertiary education.

International production, structural change and public policies in times of pandemics

The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping the world economy at a pace never seen
before. Both supply- and demand-side conditions have been affected, putting all relevant
dimensions of the economy under unprecedent stress.
At the time of writing this introduction, the virus is continuing to infect and kill
large numbers of people in several countries, especially in the US, Brazil and India.
In Europe, the contagion curve has flattened almost everywhere through the widespread
application of draconian lockdown and social distancing measures. By drastically

Interval-based gender diversity composite indicators in gender studies

This study aims to construct an original interval-based composite indicator of the gender diversity considering different assumptions on the development of the composite indicator. In this way the composite indicator built can be considered more robust than a classical version of the same indicator. Composite indicators are a very important tool to analyse and evaluate policies and sectors. The problem in using composite indicators is that the results which can be obtained can be dependent to the assumptions given on their construction.

Endemism and diversity in European montane mammals: macro-ecological patterns

Mountains are important landforms with regard to both biodiversity and evolution of endemism. We analysed macro- ecological patterns of distribution and endemism of European montane (i.e. with at least 70% of their range inside mountain areas) mammals. The landscape of the study area was characterized by three environmental variables: land cover, land-use and elevation. For each species, we collected spatially explicit information on the extent of occurrence, level of endemicity, conservation status, habitat preferences, elevation range and all the available presence points.

What is ‘European archaeology’? What should it be?

‘European archaeology’ is an ambiguous and contested rubric. Rooted in the political histories of European archaeology, it potentially unites an academic field and provides a basis for international collaboration and inclusion, but also creates essentialized identities and exclusionary discourses. This discussion article presents a range of views on what European archaeology is, where it comes from, and what it could be.

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