
Individual differences and developmental trends in sexting motivations

Sexting is the exchange of sexually suggestive contents via Internet, Smartphone, and Social Networking Websites. Recently, the research on sexting motivations increased in order to distinguish between experimental and aggravated sexting. This study investigated individual correlates of three sexting motivations: sexual purposes, instrumental/aggravated reasons, and body image reinforcement. The study involved 488 adolescents and young adults aged from 14 to 30 years. Sexual purposes and body image reinforcement were the most commonly reported motivations for sexting.


Nella lingua italiana la parola sesso è utilizzata per indicare il genere (gender) maschile o femminile oppure con riferimento all’attività sessuale. Il termine “sessualità” ha invece un significato più ampio perché comprende tutti gli aspetti della vita legati alla realtà del proprio genere (gender). Secondo Masters & Johnson (1), questo termine indica una dimensione della personalità e non soltanto la capacità di un individuo a reagire ad uno stimolo erotico.

Precision medicine and drug development in Alzheimer's disease: the importance of sexual dimorphism and patient stratification

Neurodegenerative diseases (ND) are among the leading causes of disability and mortality. Considerable sex differences exist in the occurrence of the various manifestations leading to cognitive decline. Alzheimer's disease (AD) exhibits substantial sexual dimorphisms and disproportionately affects women. Women have a higher life expectancy compared to men and, consequently, have more lifespan to develop AD.

Early‑career complexity before and after labour‑market deregulation in Italy. Heterogeneity by gender and socio‑economic status across cohorts

Labour-market deregulation may have generated more unstable and complex employment life courses. As exposure to highly volatile early-career trajectories has long-lasting consequences for the working lives of individuals, it is especially important to consider how these processes have affected younger workers in countries like Italy. Here, deregulation ‘at the margins’ of the labour market has been

Gender Equality and Poverty are Intrinsically Linked: A contribution to the continued monitoring of selected Sustainable Development Goals

This discussion paper provides an updated analysis of gendered economic inequality in high- and middle-income countries. A review of the literature demonstrates that such an analysis needs to explicitly recognize that gender, poverty, and (economic) inequality are intrinsically linked. Specifically, the paper addresses two sets of questions. First, how do intra-family resource allocation and distribution patterns both reflect and shape gender inequalities in power and well-being, and what factors—including policy-related ones—can mitigate these inequalities?

Factors affecting the presence of women on firms’ board from an institutional/cultural perspective

This paper is voted to study if cultural/institutional environment among different countries can affect the presence of women on boards. The analysis is focused on a statistical model to observe over the period 2007–2017 (11 years) a cross-sectional sample of MSCI Index-listed companies (476 firms). Grounding on Institutional Theory, we select several variables which represent cultural and institutional contexts in which firms do operate. As per female presence on boards, we collect data from Bloomberg database.


This volume presents current research on gender studies in the specific context of the knowledge economy. Featuring contributions from the 2017 Annual Ipazia, the Scientific Observatory for Gender Studies Workshop on Gender, this book investigates gender issues and female entrepreneurship from social, economic, corporate, organizational, and management perspectives, with particular emphasis on advancing the understanding of gender in business and economic research.

A relational capital perspective on social sustainability. The case of female entrepreneurship in Italy

Purpose: Female entrepreneurship has been part of the political agenda internationally. Public entities should promote entrepreneurship in general, and female entrepreneurship in particular, with dedicated resources and programs. Female entrepreneurs are considered as a key asset in developing economic growth. However, women experience much more difficulties in opening their own ventures. Relational capital is particularly relevant when it comes to female entrepreneurship.

Analysing the diffusion of the ideas and knowledge on economic open problems on female entrepreneur in US over time: the case of Wikipedia (Year 2015–2017)

An important problem on the entrepreneurship field is the precise comprehension of the diffusion dynamics of the ideas and knowledge. In fact ideas can have an important impact on the business and on the managerial decisions. So in this sense the analysis of the evolution of the ideas need to be carefully considered and evaluated. In this work we will propose a time-series cluster analysis of pageviews data of selected topics on Gender in Wikipedia. Results give relevant insights on the evolution of relevant topics as the gender pay and role at work over time.

The pretext of veil. A research on the conceptions of gender and mixed relations of Islamic young women and men living in Italy

Migrant families and second generations play a key-role in present European change concerning gender orders. Their efforts whether to adapt themselves to western mentalities and lifestyles or to preserve their own traditions and identities unavoidably overlap and impact on the struggles on opening or closing gender relations, by reintroducing rigid identities and dichotomies in continuously transforming societies, by contrasting the blurring of boundaries, by proposing new meanings and perspectives in conceiving women and men.

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