
GEMMA. GEnder and Media MAtters

GEMMA. GEnder and Media MAtters

GeMMa è un’unità di ricerca fondata nel 2010 da Milly Buonanno, con l’obiettivo di indagare la complessa connessione tra genere e media, concetti multiformi, che negli ultimi anni hanno subito una sensibile trasformazione e sono al centro di un vivace dibattito scientifico.

Il genere dei sostantivi nelle grammatiche didattiche DaF

Several semantic factors determine the grammatical gender of German nouns, mainly the natural gender and the association to semantic fields such as for example flowers (feminine), alcoholic beverages (masculine) or metals (neuter). Morphological factors such as derivative suffixes (-heit feminine, er masculin, -chen neutre) and phonological factors such as word endings (-e feminine, -en masculin) bear also relevance and can variously interact with semantic factors in determinating the gender of a specific noun.

Proposing a regional gender equality index (R-GEI) with an application to Italy

Gender equality represents a central topic of our society, and its study is gaining increasing attention in the international panorama. During the last 20 years, various indicators aiming at measuring gender equality have been proposed, but there are no systematic experiences of indicators tailored for a subnational analysis. We propose a regionalization of the most complete and detailed gender equality indicator, the gender equality index (GEI) of the European Institute on Gender Equality, choosing Italy as a case study.

Gender, Age and the Use of Time during the Economic Crisis: Implications of the Economic Crisis on the Gender Contract and Informal Welfare of Italian Families

Is the economic crisis reducing time for paid work? How do Italians use their eventual forgone market-working hours? Is household production increasing its relevance as a market-substitute in times of economic hardship? Is the economic crisis affecting negatively gender equality and favouring a return of backward-looking gender contracts? This paper stems on Italian time use data for three years before, during and after the beginning of the economic hardship (2002/3, 2008/9 and 2013/4) to answer these questions.

Storie di ordinaria radicalizzazione: fattori causali e trigger events nelle narrazioni inconsapevoli dei giovani italiani di seconda generazione

The aim of this paper is to investigate the narratives of radicalization (some- times unintended) throughout the verbalization of everyday experiences by young second generation Italians. The causes of radicalization are still under the scrutiny of contemporary literature: micro, meso, and macro factors combine themselves into a complex puzzle, driving to political and religious extremism. Interviews with 42 young generation Italians with Muslim background, aged between 18-30, have been made.

Dating apps

This entry defines dating apps and the related main theoretical approaches. The diffusion of geolocalized apps and the datafication of society affect dating culture, leading toward instantaneous relationships that can be arranged according to the proximity of the users. Mobile hookup or dating practices were experimented in the early 2000s and LGBTQi people have historically been early adopters. Nowadays dating apps are more socially accepted, even if some social stigma persists in specific cultural contexts.

Diversity of backgrounds and ideas: The case of research evaluation in economics

This paper contributes to the literature on the effect of research evaluation in terms of preserving and reproducing diversity. Through a large-scale natural experiment encompassing two entire cohorts of Italian economists, we document how candidates for academic positions, especially top-tier positions, in economics are pushed to increasingly conform to a standardised research profile.

Disseminating Expertise on Gender and Economics: The Experience of

In this article we briefly recount the experience of inGenere since its foundation, as well as its goals and achievements against a backdrop of media communication lacking a gender perspective, especially in economics. We then consider the specific contribution of inGenere to the analysis of the gendered impact of the economic crisis and how to design and implement policy in a gender-sensitive manner from this experience.


Il presente lavoro intende interrogarsi sul dibattuto tema del conflitto vita familiare-vita
lavorativa guardando alla realtà dell’imprenditoria femminile italiana.
Le imprenditrici italiane, in prevalenza donne giovani e istruite, hanno aspirazioni
e motivazioni sempre più sbilanciate sul versante della realizzazione personale e
professionale e sempre meno sul versante della necessità. Queste trasformazioni, già
in atto da alcuni anni anche in altri Paesi, stanno dunque segnalando la necessità di

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