
Slow Motion. Images of Women in Vogue Italia’s Fashion Advertisements over the Last Fifty Years

Numerous studies (Bourdieu, 1979; Edgell, Hetherington, Warde, 1996; Kirkham, 1996; Ames, Martinez, 1996; Dholakia, 1999; Commuri, Gentry, 2000; Gunter, Furnham, 1998) indicate that purchasing decisions and consumption practices help to express (and generate) masculinity and femininity. As one of the most visible forms of consumption, clothing performs a major role in the social construction of gender identity (Crane, 2000).

An apparent freedom. Micromachismo in the resexualization of female bodies in italian fashion advertising

The paper regards women portrayals in the Italian fashion advertising and aims to
record a possible evolution in gender images since the Seventies, assuming the presence of
different stereotypes, less blatant than in the past. The study is about female portrayals in
Vogue Italia’s advertisements from 1964 to 2013, with a content-analysis on 1356 ads and
1933 models. The coding scheme used for this analysis was based on the one developed by
sociologist Erving Goffman in the 1970s. The study reveals that women images in the Italian

Unfolding female quiet in wargames. Gender bias in Metal Gear Solid V. The Phantom Pain from representation to gameplay

This article investigates the cultural mediatization of the relationship between gender and war by looking at the representation and agency of female presence in one of the most popular sagas in video games: Metal Gear Solid. We have specifically focused on the last chapter of the series, Metal Gear Solid V (MGS5) by putting under scrutiny the character of Quiet. The analysis draws upon the rich theoretical corpus of feminist film studies, with reference to two main concepts: the “visual pleasure” by Laura Mulvey and the “female voice” by Kaja Silverman.

Il pretesto del velo. Pratiche identitarie di giovani donne musulmane in Italia

L’indagine narrata in questo lavoro aveva lo scopo di esplorare, attraverso le pratiche di giovani donne musulmane, e la narrazione delle stesse, l’attribuzione dei significati culturali attribuibili al velo, e la traduzione di tali pratiche in dispositivi di display relazionale. Lo svelamento delle identità culturali nelle prassi ordinarie – incluso l’abbigliamento – è infatti un potente punto di accesso nell’esplorazione di fenomeni di mutamento culturale e sociale.

The social construction of the parisienne. Reflections in contemporary popular publishing on a historical icon of feminility

The image of the Parisienne incorporates values and meanings close to those ideas of progress, style, natural elegance and femininity required by women in the modern age. This image does not reference a ‘pacified’ femininity but appears at first glance to be ‘breaking the mould’, aiming to supplant the image of the traditional woman and bring radical innovation to customs and lifestyles after the ‘prudish’ Victorian era.

Specchi deformanti e illusioni ottiche. Immagini pubblicitarie di genere nella lettura dei professionisti del settore

Deforming Mirrors and Optical Illusions. Gendered Advertisements in the Practitioners’ Reading. The relationship between gender and advertising is a classic object of socio- communicative research (Goffman 1977), investigated more in content than in public or production. Many articles have focused on sexual stereotyping (Barthel 1988; Belkaoui, Belkaoui 1976; Furnham, Bitar 1993; Furnham, Schofield 1986; Furnham, Voli 1989; García-Muñoz et. al. 1994; Livingstone, Green 1986; Gilly 1988; McArthur, Resko 1975; Mazzella et. al.

Identidades sexuales y discurso de género en la comunicación

La aportación reflexiona sobre las diferentes maneras de entender y percibir la sexualidad: en la lectura de los cuerpos, en su dimensión física, pero también hormonal y psicológica. En el estudio se discute la dificultad para responder a las preguntas acerca de la sexualidad humana y la identidad de género ya que, desde las diversas disciplinas, las respuestas son variadas. Asimismo, existen diversas lecturas culturales sobre la narrativa de los cuerpos, sexuados en su dinámica social –desde la antropología se puede constatar esta diversidad–.


Il testo riunisce contributi di professionisti/e della ricerca prevenienti da diversi settori disciplinari e impegnati nello studio delle trasformazioni nella cultura patriarcale e nelle relazione di genere, che sotto l'apparenza di un'uguaglianza dichiarata, mantengono squilibri e stereotipi diffusi tra donne ed uomini (ed altre identità).

The dimensions of Gender in the International Review of Sociology. A lexicometric approach to the analysis of the publications in the last twenty years

The Social Sciences and, specifically, the sociological research has
progressively assumed the gender factor as one of the strategic keys to
understand contemporary phenomena. In fact, as a variable for sociostatistical
analysis or as a characterizing trait of individual identity, it is a
decisive factor in the interpretation of the deep social transformations and it
inspires the self-reflection of the sociologists about the analytical tools of their
discipline. The contribution proposes, through a lexicometric approach, an

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