
Lo sviluppo sostenibile del genere, il genere dello sviluppo sostenibile. Prospettive di un processo integrato

Gender and sustainability are joined by twisting together in a logic and consequent way that only in the recent years has been commonly valorized. On the contrary, in the previous societies it seemed that the process of economic and social development was counterposed to the female identities and roles and today the cultural inheritance is the identification of the gender as a discriminating factor for female and the other gender identities as those of the most vulnerable actors, together with young and old people.

Gender e cooking show: il caso di MasterChef Italia

La cucina è un argomento particolarmente adatto alla narrazione televisiva, in special modo in un contesto come quello italiano dove l’alimentazione rappresenta, da sempre, un valore culturale centrale. È, infatti, innegabile che, nel belpaese, il cibo costituisca un elemento in grado di custodire ed esprimere, simbolicamente, il valore identitario dei contesti di provenienza, addirittura diventandone un vettore di rappresentazione sociale, culturale e, inevitabilmente, mediale.

Increased IL-17 and/or IFN-γ producing T-cell subsets in gut mucosa of long-term-treated HIV-1-infected women

The influence of sex on gut mucosal T-cell response in HIV-1 infection remains largely unknown. We explored whether the frequencies of interferon-γ and/or IL-17 producing naive, T central memory and T effector memory (TEM) CD4 (Th1, Th17) and CD8 T (Tc1, Tc17) cells measured in gut and peripheral districts differed between female and male HIV-1-infected patients.

The sex-specific detrimental effect of diabetes and gender-related factors on pre-admission medication adherence among patients hospitalized for ischemic heart disease: insights from EVA study

Background: Sex and gender-related factors have been under-investigated as relevant determinants of health outcomes across non-communicable chronic diseases. Poor medication adherence results in adverse clinical outcomes and sex differences have been reported among patients at high cardiovascular risk, such as diabetics. The effect of diabetes, gender-related factors, and diabetes in women, gender-related factors, and diabetes in pre-admission medication adherence among hospitalized patients for IHD.

Neuroinflammatory markers in the serum of prepubertal children with down syndrome

Down Syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal disorder. Although DS individuals are mostly perceived as characterized by some distinct physical features, cognitive disabilities, and cardiac defects, they also show important dysregulations of immune functions. While critical information is available for adults with DS, little literature is available on the neuroinflammation in prepubertal DS children.

Making Room, Occupying Space. Women Conquering and Desiging Urban Spaces

Women have always been strongly involved in creating environment and living spaces, even without initially being designers because the university was accessible to them very late. They were strong involved in creating a modern environment, and contributing to welfare state, where health and social equipment was a gender response to a modern life. Anyway, the history of architecture remains dominated by Masters and the female presence is almost invisible, even though women's studies have made a large contribution to investigate lives, stories, and professional works.

Text, context, and the social dimension of writing: A case study from the Early Dynastic temple of Inanna at Nippur

In this article, I propose a holistic interpreta- tion of a well-defined corpus of third millennium BC in- scribed artefacts, focusing on the relationships between text (format and content), the artefact, and its original destination and deposition. I aim to underline the social dimension of inscribed objects and, in general, of writing in votive depositional contexts. As a case study, I have focused on the inscribed artefacts found in level VIIB of the Inanna Temple at Nippur.

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