
Investigating the Effects of COVID-19 Quarantine in Migraine: An Observational Cross-Sectional Study From the Italian National Headache Registry (RICe)

Background: Previous studies during SARS and Ebola pandemics have shown that quarantine is associated with several negative psychological effects, such as post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, and anger. These conditions may affect the course of many diseases, including migraine. Although it is possible that the quarantine measures for the current COVID-19 pandemic affect migraine burden, no information is currently available on this issue.

Psychosocial variables and quality of life during the COVID-19 lockdown: A correlational study on a convenience sample of young Italians

Background: In 2020, to limit the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), many countries, including Italy, have issued a lengthy quarantine period for the entire population. For this reason lifestyle has changed, bringing inevitable repercussions to the Quality of Life (QoL). The present study aims to identify which psychosocial variables predict behaviors capable of affecting the QoL during the lockdown period, potentially highlighting factors that might promote well-being and health in the Italian population during the epidemic.

Effects of work status changes and perceived stress on glycaemic control in individuals with type 1 diabetes during COVID-19 lockdown in Italy

Aims: To evaluate the effects of COVID-19 lockdown on blood glucose control in individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and to explore determinants of glucose variability. Methods: Fifty T1D patients undergoing continuous/flash glucose monitoring were recruited. The study's primary outcome was the change of time in range (TIR) from before to lockdown period. Three time-point comparisons of TIR, mean glucose levels (MG), estimated (e)HbA1c, time above (TAR) and below range (TBR), moderate/severe hypoglycemic events between pre-lockdown, lockdown and post-lockdown period were also performed.

Teaching Mathematics in a Context of Lockdown: A Study Focused on Teachers’ Praxeologies

This study aims to explore how teachers from four countries—France, Israel, Italy, and Germany—manage their teaching–learning activity in the context of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. About 700 teachers from the four countries participated in this study. They were given an online questionnaire that involved 22 open-ended items, in which they were requested to complete the items that were structured taking into account the relationships between teacher, students, mathematics and resources.

Rock around… the lockdown. La resilienza creativa nel corso della pandemia

L’espressione “rock around the clock”, a prescindere dai tanti significati che nel corso del tempo le sono stati
attribuiti, indica anzitutto l’atto del ballare senza sosta, ininterrottamente, tutto il giorno. La voglia di non fermarsi “til broad daylight”, come
del resto canta Bill Haley. Una volontà di divertimento senza tregua, come recita anche la traduzione italiana del titolo del film del 1955.
È esattamente questo l’aspetto su cui è incentrato il nostro contributo. Quel sentimento di perduranza che, attraverso una ostinata e tenace

Urban Transport Policies in the Time of Pandemic, and After. An ARDUOUS Research Agenda

While the new virus spreads worldwide and vaccines are yet to come, transport policy makers face a dilemma: how mobility is going to change? The situation is not unprecedented. But, unlike in past times when medical science was at early stages and little technology was available, counteractions currently undertaken by national and supranational governments integrate highest medical knowledge and technological skills with new, fast-adaptive lifestyles and transport patterns.

Sedentary behaviors and physical activity of Italian undergraduate students during lockdown at the time of CoViD-19 Pandemic

Background: From March to May 2020, lockdown measures were adopted in Italy to contain the epidemic of the novel Coronavirus. People were forced to restrict their movement and social contacts, therefore having a higher risk of inactivity. This study, carried out among Italian undergraduates, explored their sedentary and physical activities (PA) during the lockdown with respect to their previous habits. Methods: An electronic questionnaire was administered once to students attending three Italian universities after the end of lockdown.

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