
Il rilievo dell'in-misurabile. L'area di piazza Mastai in Roma/To survey the un-measurable. The Mastai area in Rome

Il Quartiere Mastai a Roma subì alla fine del XIX secolo uno snaturamento a seguito della realizzazione di Viale Trastevere, perdendo in questo modo il disegno originale. A partire da una necessaria documentazione storica e iconografica, si affianca una ri-lettura critica e conoscitiva svolta attraverso il disegno urbano e quello di dettaglio, coadiuvata da un rilievo metrico strumentale. Si racconta in questo modo un patrimonio architettonico ormai non più tangibile nella sua identità, avendo come obiettivo la rilettura della spazialità perduta di un brano importante di città.

Documentare, conservare e trasmettere la memoria. La casa-baracca del Poeta Valentino Zeichen/Documentation, conservation and transmission of memory. The house-shack of the poet Valentino Zeichen

La ricerca si incentra sulla ‘casa-baracca’ di Valentino Zeichen. Questo tema ‘estremo’ di conoscenza, conservazione e, in prospettiva, di gestione e fruizione, ha permesso di sviluppare un approccio che integra le competenze della rappresentazione, della storia e del restauro. L’obiettivo non è solo l’elaborazione di un giudizio storico critico, ma la trasmissione della memoria di valori effimeri e intangibili, quali quelli espressi dalla ‘Casa del Poeta’, riallacciandosi a temi e a concetti che rimandano ad una lettura delle istanze della conservazione più ampia e attuale.

The Role of Representation in Archaeological Architecture

The representation, analysis and interpretation of elements of archaeological heritage is a painstaking activity. It also includes a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects and competencies. The interrelation between different disciplines opens up the possibility to achieve complete results as far as documentation, analysis and interpretation of the Archaeological Architecture (AA) are concerned.

Archaeological Heritage. Representation Between Material and Immaterial

Architects have been involved in the task of representing archaeology and archaeological sites for many
years now. Their objective has invariably been to make the reading of the artifact more detailed and
accurate to scholars of archaeology. The advent of informatics brought a significant step forward in the
domain of representation in this field. To recall that representation of archaeology should restore artifacts
of which only fragments of walls remain, often in ruin and with degraded surfaces which often do not

Conservation, Restoration, and Analysis of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage.

Cultural heritage (CH) can be understood as a complexity of activities in a very wide range of disciplines
whose aim is to identify, evaluate, and preserve past achievements for the benefit of next generation in
having memory of the past and inspiration from it for future enhancements and appreciation of current
results. Many are thus the disciplines that concurrently can help in identifying, comprehending, and
transmitting to future generations CH values as well as in stimulating the inspiration of present and future

Analysis, Conservation, and Restoration of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The book could be a set of examples and experiences in various fields of Cultural Heritage (Architecture,
archaeology, historical centers, small artefacts, but also frescoes, paintings, sculptures, etc.). In the
book will be also a tool to present the most advanced examples and applications of new technologies on
cultural heritage. The scientific content will concern: architectural representation (included modelling
and rendering), in its broadest sense of knowledge mean, of instrument for values understanding, of

The Social Poetry Drawing of Lina Bo Bardi

Within the complex and articulated architectural heritage of the Modern Movement, we are still amazed by the architecture of Lina Bo Bardi. Alive and modern, they never seem to age. The present study allows to better understand this vitality through her drawing. Spaces, geometries, functions, paths, views, perceptions, sensations, are grafted into an ever-changing urban space. Lina’s architecture, at any scale, never seems to lose its freshness in a city in continuous

Visual Devices for Representing, Communicating and Promoting the City

Due to the affective relationship that citizens and communities develop with the places they inhabit, representations of a city have historically served as a vehicle to suggest interpretations. With this assumption, the experimentation conducted with the students in the undergraduate Industrial Design course at the Sapienza University of Rome was established with the conviction that to enhance a city, its culture, and its heritage, it is still necessary to find appropriate forms that can gather identities and diversity, individual experience, and community knowledge.

IMG2019. Graphic Sciences for a Project with Great Cultural Scope. IMG2019. Le Scienze Gràfiche per un progetto di grande respiro culturale

Il paper descrive la seconda edizione del Convegno Internazionale e Interdisciplinare su Immagini e Immaginazione, svoltasi il 4 e il 5 Luglio 2019 nella splendida sede di Alghero del Dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica dell’Università degli Studi di Sassari, che ha adottato, più che una parola chiave, un suffisso, che al tempo stesso è anche un’estensione, “-gràfiche”, per indicare la natura dei soggetti su cui focalizzare l’attenzione e il dominio cui appartengono le tematiche proposte allo studio e all’approfondimento.

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