La funzione del verde per la tutela dell'ambiente e del paesaggio, nelle ricerche e nei progetti di Gustavo Giovannoni

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Vitiello Maria
ISSN: 2239-8341

«Between green and flowers, anything bad and badly connected to the environment becomes beautiful and harmonious, any pretentious manifestation becomes humble», Giovannoni wrote in 1918. Through these words, he “re-evokes the old concept of style”, introduces new themes such as “perspective”, “light”, relations of “mass and space” and exemplifies the role of “green” in the project. He evaluated the “green” as a design for the restoration of a monumental element, as a way to arrange a piece of the historical city or to reduce the friction generated by the new urban settlements on traditional buildings and on the landscape elements of a specific environment. He intuited the value of vegetation in the design or restoration of urban spaces modified by the restoration of monuments. It is “plant architecture” or rather a way of re-reading nature, capable of reintroducing “green in its entirety into the overall project of the city”. The Prg (Master Plan) of Rome (1909) accepted these solicitations, present in the laws of 1922 and 1939 “on the protection of natural beauties”, drafted by Giovannoni himself and the jurist Leonardo Severi

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