Giacomo Frati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Diabetic cardiomiopathy progression is triggered by miR122-5p and involves extracellular matrix: A 5-Year prospective study JACC. CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING 2020
T2238C atrial natriuretic peptide gene variant and cardiovascular events in patients with atrial fibrillation: A substudy from the ATHERO-AF cohort INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 2020
A novel promising frontier for human health: The beneficial effects of nutraceuticals in cardiovascular diseases INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2020
Inhibition of miR-155 Attenuates Detrimental Vascular Effects of Tobacco Cigarette Smoking JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION. CARDIOVASCULAR AND CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE 2020
Interplay between COVID-19, pollution, and weather features on changes in the incidence of acute coronary syndromes in early 2020 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 2020
Systolic-dicrotic notch pressure difference can identify tachycardic patients with septic shock at risk of cardiovascular decompensation following pharmacological heart rate reduction BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA 2020
A surprising link with unexplained infertility: a possible Covid-19 paradox? JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS 2020
Cell clearing systems as targets of polyphenols in viral infections: Potential implications for COVID-19 pathogenesis ANTIOXIDANTS 2020
Interplay between Nox2 Activity and Platelet Activation in Patients with Sepsis and Septic Shock: A Prospective Study OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY 2020
Caloric restriction mimetics for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 2020
Excess all-cause mortality during COVID-19 outbreak: potential role of untreated cardiovascular disease MINERVA CARDIOANGIOLOGICA 2020
Accuracy of the "International Criteria" for ECG screening in athletes in comparison with previous published criteria: rationale and design of a diagnostic meta-analysis MINERVA CARDIOANGIOLOGICA 2020
Vaping Cardiovascular Health Risks: an Updated Umbrella Review CURRENT EMERGENCY AND HOSPITAL MEDICINE REPORTS 2020
How to manage an athlete with mitral valve prolapse EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY 2020
Clinical Conundrum: Three Management Strategies for Three-Vessel Coronary Artery Disease? JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY 2020
Veneto's Successful Lesson for a World Shocked by COVID-19: Think Globally and Act Locally JOURNAL OF CARDIOTHORACIC AND VASCULAR ANESTHESIA 2020
Umbrella review and multivariate meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies on hybrid non-invasive imaging for coronary artery disease JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR CARDIOLOGY 2020
Predicting incident peripheral artery disease and critical limb ischemia: Feeling the pulse! EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY 2020
Management of chronic stable angina: modern microbiomedical research provides insights into Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY 2020
Non-invasive cardiovascular imaging for myocardial necrosis, viability, stunning and hibernation: evidence from an umbrella review encompassing 12 systematic reviews, 286 studies, and 201,680 patients MINERVA CARDIOANGIOLOGICA 2020


  • LS4_10
  • LS7_2
  • LS7_4
  • LS9_3


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Meccanismi cellulari e molecolari correlati ad Autofagia e Stress Ossidativo nelle principali cardiomiopatie (ischemica, sovraccarico, valvolare, invecchiamento); Meccanismi cellulari e molecolari correlati con fenomeni di ripopolazione/rigenerazione cellulare vascolare o muscolare cardiaca post-infarto Meccanismi cellulari e molecolari correlati con la progressione dell’ipertrofia cardiaca Rivascolarizzazione coronarica: dai fattori prognostico-molecolari alla valutazione delle metodologie cliniche-interventistiche-chirurgiche Patogenesi dei fenomeni aterosclerotici e terapie antiossidanti in patologia cardiovascolare Rigenerazione cardiaca mediante l’utilizzo di cellule staminali in associazione all’ingegneria tissutale Terapia genica basata su sistemi cellulari e ruolo della Nox2 nel danno polmonare da ischemia-riperfusione acuta: nuovi strumenti per la medicina rigenerativa (EVLP) Metodologie diagnostiche applicate alle principali malattie cardiovascolari ed alla medicina rigenerativa (Ecocardiografia 3D, MRI, TC, FMT, Bioluminescenza, Fotoacustica) Metodologie, tecniche e revisione critica in ambito cardiochirurgico e cardiologico interventistico (Meta-analisi, Network Meta-analisi)


oxidative stress, platelets, atherosclerosi
atherosclerotic plaque
coronary heart disease (chd
cardiac progenitor cell
cardiac surgery
cardiology and cardiovascular medicin
mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR
NADPH oxidase

Gruppi di ricerca - Responsabile

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma