Andrea Salvo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Fast UPLC/PDA determination of squalene in Sicilian P.D.O. pistachio from Bronte: optimization of oil extraction method and analytical characterization FOOD CHEMISTRY 2017
Spray-dried of Sicilian Nero d'Avola wines evaluation of the aromatic and phenolic profiles by Mass Spectrometric techniques Proceedings of 2nd MS-WINE DAY 2017
15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 27-30 August 2017- Uppsala- Swden " Oil, Fats and Lipids: New Technologies and Applications for a Healthier Life 15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress " OIL, FATS AND LIPIDS: New Technologies and Applications for Healthier Life" 2017
Data mining from NMR spectra of vegetable oils XLVI Italian Congress on Magnetic Resonance (Salerno, September 2017) 2017
Chapter 6. NMR applications in food analysis: part A Analytical chemistry: developments, applications and challenges in food analysis 2017
Development and validation of a SPE-based protocol for the GC-MS determination of FAMEs and FAEEs in EVOO Proceedings of 15th EuroFED Lipids 2017
Developmentand Validation of SPE-based Protocol for the GC-MS Determination of FAMEs and FAEEs in EVOO 15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 27-30 August 2017- Uppsala- Sweden " Oil, Fats and Lipids: new technologies and applications for a healthier life". 2017
A THOROUGH CHEMICAL INVESTIGATION ON Citrus limetta Risso FROM AEOLIAN ISLANDS (ITALY) XXVI SILAE - The Italo Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine 2017
Metabolite and mineral profiling of “Violetto di Niscemi” and “Spinoso di Menfi” globe artichokes by 1H-NMR and ICP-MS NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH 2017
Determination of Squalene in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oils (EVOOs) by UPLC/PDA Using a Single-Step SPE Sample Preparation FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS 2017
Evaluation of chronic nanosilver toxicity to adult zebrafish FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY 2017
Effects of fasting and refeeding on the digestive tract of zebrafish (Danio rerio) fed with Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis), a high protein feed source NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH 2017
Study on the composition and quality of several sicilian EVOOs (harvesting year 2015) LA RIVISTA ITALIANA DELLE SOSTANZE GRASSE 2017
Determination of 1,2/1,3-diglycerides in Sicilian extra-virgin olive oils by 1H-NMR over a one-year storage period NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH 2017
Determination and quantification of carotenoids in sea sponges Raspaciona aculeata and Dictyonella marsilii present in the Ganzirri Lake (Messina), Italy NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH 2017
Quick unreferenced NMR quantification of Squalene in vegetable oils EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LIPID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2017
Alimentazione e RMN un binomio vincente 2016
Determination of phenolic compounds in two stages of maturation of cagaita fruit (Eugenia dysenterica DC) CHIMALI 2016 XI Italian Congress of Food Chemistry 2016
IL FENOMENO DELLA COSI' DETTA SPINA BIFIDA NEL TONNETTO ALLETTERATO ( E. ALLETTERATUS, Rafinesque 1810). UN MITO SFATATO Atti del XXII Convegno Nazionale S.I.P.I. Società Italiana Patologia Ittica 2016


  • LS2_9
  • LS9_5
  • PE4_5
  • PE4_9
  • PE4_18


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

È specialista in contaminazione ambientale e alimentare attraverso l'utilizzo di tecniche cromatografiche UPLC-DAD-
MS, GC-MS, ICP-MS e ha sviluppato metodi di analisi rapida per identificare composti di proprietà farmacologiche e
interesse nutraceutico, inoltre,i si è occupato di trovare e studiare composti di interesse sanitario e farmacologico da
matrici di origine marina. Negli ultimi anni si è occupato di formulare e testare packaging  biodegradabili ed edibili da applicare nell'industria alimentare.


"Food Analysis"
Food Packaging

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma