Isabella Pezzini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Del espacio a la ciudad. Trayectorias semióticas - IAS2019 ACTAS 14° COGRESO MUNDIAL DE SEMIÓTICA: TRAYECTORIAS - TOMO 8 Conferencias plenarias 2020
Far parlare i muri: giochi di enunciazione in Triumph and Laments di William Kentridge. E/C 2020
Viale Togliatti a Roma. Una strada in cerca d'autore 2019
Via Palmiro Togliatti a Roma, ovvero una strada che non è una strada Viale Togliatti a Roma: una strada in cerca d'autore 2019
La sémiotique et les disciplines de l'aménagement de l'espace La sémiotique et son autre 2019
La ricetta della pace. Dall'ajaco colombiano al caffé buono. Prove di convivialità e nuove convivenze E/C 2019
Corpo, percezione e affetti nell'enunciazione audiovisiva I segni fra teoria e storia. Per Giovanni Manetti 2019
Isole ai confini. Dalle terre leggendrie alle utopie Isole. un arcipelago semiotico 2019
Dalla parte del lettore. Lector in fabula quarant'anni dopo VS 2019
Gianfranco Marrone (a cura di), Zoosemiotica 2.0. Forme e politiche dell’animalità, Serie Nuovi Quaderni del Circolo Semiologico Siciliano, Palermo, Museo Pasqualino, 2017, pp. 650. VS 2019
Projet d'analyse spatiale dans "Au bonheur des dames" d'Emile Zola Sens à l'horizon! Hommage à Denis Bertrand 2019
Actes semiotiques et monuments. Autour de la fontane de Trevi Monuments, (dé)monumentalisation. Approches sémiotiques 2019
Greimas et la sémiotique de la mode Greimas aujourd’hui : l’avenir de la structure. Actes du congrès de l’AFS 2017 2019
Lo sviluppo della semiotica secondo Jakobson TRAME DI LETTERATURA COMPARATA 2019
Greimas e la semiotica della moda E/C 2018
Le rôle de l'espace dans l'exposition. Deux nouveaux musées à Rome MEI 2018
From a Cockroach’s Point of View: The Metamorphosis of Perception in Kafka INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE SEMIOTICS OF LAW 2018
Il senso di un luogo Agire con il paesaggio 2018
Efficace, figurabilité, description A force des signes. Travailler avec Louis Marin 2018
The Pope-celebrity and the role of the cinema MEDIASCAPES JOURNAL 2018


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Interessi di ricerca

Isabella Pezzini is full Professor of Philosophy and Theory of Languages at Sapienza University of Rome. She studied in Bologna with Umberto Eco, Paolo Fabbri and Omar Calabrese; in Paris with Louis Marin and Algirdas Julien Greimas.
Her research concerns topics of general semiotics and semiotics of culture in relation to the theories of languages, philosophy and aesthetics (the modern and contemporary development of the discipline, its epistemological roots, the internal theoretical debate, the main figures). She is particularly interested in semiotics of the text and narrativity, verbal and multimodal, which deepens with regard to the expressive dimension of subjectivity and affectivity and issues related to persuasive force and symbolic efficacy. Her case studies concern communication, political discourse, daily life, fashions and consumption, with particular attention to the evolution of technologies, genres and text formats. Finally, she extends his studies to the field of the semiotics of space, urban space and architecture, with a particular interest in public spaces, landscape, places of consumption, exhibitions and museums.
She has written 12 books, edited 25 collective volumes, more than 200 essays published in books and international scientific journals. She also promoted and done translations of scientific texts from the French.




She is the president of FeDRoS (Féderation Romane de Sémiotique). She is the coordinator of the Communication curriculum of the PhD in Communication, Sociology and Marketing of Sapienza University of Rome. She organized or co-organized several conferences and seminars, in particular with the Sapienza University; Italian Association for Semiotics Studies (AISS), LARS (Laboratorio Romano di Semiotica) and FeDRoS (Féderation Romane de Sémiotique).








etnosemiotica urbana
metodologia semiotica
Saussurean semiotics
paesaggio semiotico
cultural semiotics

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