Daniele Casalbore


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Subaerial-submarine morphological changes at Stromboli volcano (Italy) induced by the 2019–2020 eruptive activity GEOMORPHOLOGY 2022
Holocene morpho-stratigraphic evolution of a compound submarine deltaic system in front of the shelf-incising Almanzora and Garrucha Canyons (Palomares margin, southeastern Iberia) MARINE GEOLOGY 2022
Plastic burial by flash-flood deposits in a prodelta environment (Gulf of Patti, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 2022
Seafloor characterisation of the offshore sector around Scoglio d’Affrica islet (Tuscan Archipelago, northern Tyrrhenian sea) JOURNAL OF MAPS 2022
Coastal erosion and flooding threaten low-lying coastal tracts at Lipari (Aeolian Islands, Italy) REMOTE SENSING 2022
Integration of remote sensing and offshore geophysical data for monitoring the short-term morphological evolution of an active volcanic flank. A case study from Stromboli Island REMOTE SENSING 2022
Remote sensing and field survey data integration to investigate on the evolution of the coastal area. The case study of Bagnara Calabra (Southern Italy) REMOTE SENSING 2022
Morpho-stratigraphic evolution of a tectonically controlled canyon-channel system in the Gioia Basin (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) MARINE GEOLOGY 2022
Morpho-stratigraphic characterization of the southern shelf of Porto Santo Island (Madeira Archipelago). Insights for small-scale instability processes and post-LGM sedimentary architecture MARINE GEOLOGY 2022
Active geological processes in the Mediterranean Sea Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea:. An introductory guide 2022
Mid-to-late Holocene upper slope contourite deposits off Capo Vaticano (Mediterranean Sea): High-resolution record of contourite cyclicity, bottom current variability and sandy facies MARINE GEOLOGY 2021
Submarine and subaerial morphological changes associated with the 2014 eruption at Stromboli island REMOTE SENSING 2021
Benthic foraminiferal response to sedimentary processes in a prodeltaic environment. The Gulf of Patti case study (southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea) GEOSCIENCES 2021
The Guadiaro-Baños contourite drifts (SW Mediterranean). A geotechnical approach to stability analysis MARINE GEOLOGY 2021
First Evidence of Contourite Drifts in the North-Western Sicilian Active Continental Margin (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2021
Offshore geological hazards. Charting the course of progress and future directions OCEANS 2021
Geomorphological characterization, spatial distribution and environmental status assessment of coralligenous reefs along the Latium continental shelf ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2021
An integrated multiscale method for the characterisation of active faults in offshore areas. The case of Sant’Eufemia Gulf (offshore Calabria, Italy) FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 2021
Morpho-acoustic characterization of a shallow-water mud volcano offshore Scoglio d'Affrica (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) responsible for a violent gas outburst in 2017 MARINE GEOLOGY 2020
The key role of canyons in funnelling litter to the deep sea. A study of the Gioia Canyon (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) ANTHROPOCENE 2020

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