Daniele Casalbore


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Flooding scenarios due to land subsidence and sea-level rise. A case study for Lipari Island (Italy) TERRA NOVA 2017
Small-scale bedforms generated by gravity flows in the Aeolian Islands Atlas of bedforms in the Western Mediterranean 2017
Bedforms feeding and bedforms fed by canyon activity around Punta Alice Promontory (Calabria Ionian Margin, Italy) 2017
Cyclic steps at the head of channelized features along the calabrian margin (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) Atlas of bedforms in the Western Mediterranean 2017
Large-scale bedforms on volcaniclastic aprons around the Aeolian Islands (Italy) 2017
Unexpected fast rate of morphological evolution of geologically-active continental margins during Quaternary. Examples from selected areas in the Italian seas MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2017
Depositional and erosional bedforms in Late Pleistocene-Holocene pro-delta deposits of the Gulf of Patti (southern Tyrrhenian margin, Italy) MARINE GEOLOGY 2017
The Central Mediterranean Submerged landscapes of the european continental shelf. Quaternary paleoenvironments 2017
Relative sea level rise, palaeotopography and transgression velocity on the continental shelf Under the sea. Archaeology and palaeolandscapes of the continental shelf 2017
Quaternary coastal and marine studies in Central Mediterranean QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2017
olcanic Islands and Seamounts Submarine Geomorphology 2017
Marine geological and archaeological evidence of a possible pre-Neolithic site in Pantelleria Island, Central Mediterranean Sea Geology and archaeology. Submerged landscapes of the continental shelf, 411 2016
New insights on the subsidence of Lipari island (Aeolian islands, southern Italy) from the submerged Roman age pier at Marina Lunga QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2016
Morphology of Lipari offshore (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) JOURNAL OF MAPS 2016
Morphology of Salina offshore (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) JOURNAL OF MAPS 2016
Interaction of down-slope and along-slope processes off Capo Vaticano (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy), with particular reference on contourite-related landslides MARINE GEOLOGY 2016
Magnitude-frequency distribution of submarine landslides in the Gioia Basin (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) GEO-MARINE LETTERS 2016
The role of Internal Solitary Waves on deep-water sedimentary processes. The case of up-slope migrating sediment waves off the Messina Strait SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Interplay between down-slope and along-slope sedimentary processes during the late Quaternary along the Capo Vaticano margin (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) 2016
The role of Internal SolitaryWaves on deep-water sedimentary processes: the case of up-slope migrating sediment waves off the Messina Strait GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS 2016

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