Alberto Pastore


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Gli assistenti vocali agli occhi dei millennials: un’indagine esplorativa Grand challenges: companies and universities working for a better society. Extended Abstract 2020
Developing voice-based branding: insights from the Mercedes case THE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT & BRAND MANAGEMENT 2020
Trasformazione digitale ed evoluzione dei business model delle agenzie tradizionali in Italia: un'analisi esplorativa sui professionisti della comunicazione Proceedings XVII Sim conference. Il Marketing per una società migliore 2020
Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) in management academies: state of the art and future challenges Grand Chjallenges: companies and universities working for a better society. Electronic Conference Proceedings 2020
Creative crowdsourcing: exploring the relationship between brand seeker and two-sided platform Sinergie 2020
Artificial Intelligence and Brand Anthropomorphisation: the role of voice assistants 48th EMAC annual conference. Proceedings 2019
L’assistente vocale di marca: quali implicazioni per il branding? Evidenze dal caso Mercedes Management and sustainability: creating shared value in the digital era 2019
How the automation impacts on the reshoring strategy in the financial and business services 2019
Resolving the jeopardies of consumer demand: revisiting demarketing concepts BUSINESS HORIZONS 2019
Technology enabled resource integration in service ecosystems International Research Symposium in Service Management 2018
Smart Resource Integration Opportunities for Services in a Challenging World 2018
Luxottica, il viaggio verso la leadership Strategic Management. Principi e applicazioni 2018
I millennials italiani e le nuove in-store technologies. Un’indagine esplorativa nel fast fashion Conference Proceedings del Convegno Sinergie-SIMA 2018 2018
Evoluzione del brand tra antropomorfismo e intelligenza artificiale: il ruolo della voce I Percorsi identitari nel Marketing 2018
Strategic Management 2018
External knowledge sourcing and new product development: Evidence from the Italian food and beverage industry BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL 2017
Counterfeiting luxury goods Handbook of research on counterfeiting and illicit trade 2017
Non c'è più il demarketing di una volta 2017
Strategic pricing management in the omnichannel era MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ 2016
Fashion firms and counterfeiting: causes and actions Italy in an European context 2016

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