Lorenzo Massimi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Modellistica a recettore multi-time per l’identificazione delle sorgenti: applicazione al progetto RHAPS PM 2022 - X Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico 2022
Bismuth exposure in plants: an ecotoxicological and genotoxic study in a multi-scale experimental approach EBC-VIII - 8th European Bioremediation Conference 2022
Characterization of the oxidative potential of fine aerosol in the Po Valley during RHAPS IAC 2022 - 11th International Aerosol Conference 2022
Valutazione del contributo di sorgenti emissive di PM10 nel Lazio durante il lockdown Webinar “Studio della qualità dell'aria a Roma e nel Lazio durante il lockdown 2020” - ARPA Lazio 2022
Arabidopsis thaliana as bio-indicator of particulate matter ability to induce oxidative stress in living organisms ISWEE 2021 - 2nd International Symposium on Water, Ecology and Environment 2022
An innovative method to assess oxidative stress induced by particulate matter using a plant model organism Adv. ESCC 2022 - Global Summit on Advances in Earth Science and Climate Change – Peers Alley International Conference 2022
Elemental and chemometric analysis of baseline gradient contamination in Usnea barbata lichens from Tierra del Fuego (South Patagonia) MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2022
Arabidopsis thaliana as a bioindicator of the ability of atmospheric particulate matter to induce oxidative stress in living organisms First Symposium for YouNg Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability (SYNC2022) 2022
Lichen transplants for high spatial resolution biomonitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in a multi-source polluted area of Central Italy ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2021
Seasonal variations in the chemical composition of indoor and outdoor PM10 in university classrooms SUSTAINABILITY 2021
An optimized method for sample preparation and elemental analysis of extra-virgin olive oil by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry FOOD CHEMISTRY 2021
Identification and spatial mapping of tracers of PM10 emission sources using a high spatial resolution distributed network in an urban setting ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2021
An analytical method for the biomonitoring of mercury in bees and beehive products by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry MOLECULES 2021
Peroxisomal PEX7 receptor affects cadmium-induced ROS and auxin homeostasis in Arabidopsis root system ANTIOXIDANTS 2021
Effects of operating conditions on PM oxidative potential assays ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 2021
Multielement characterization and antioxidant activity of Italian extra-virgin Olive oils FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY 2021
Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on PM10 composition and sources in the Rome Area (Italy) by elements’ chemical fractionation-based source apportionment ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2021
Effetti del lockdown sulla composizione e sulle sorgenti del PM10 nell'area di Roma attraverso source apportionment basato sul frazionamento chimico degli elementi Webinar “Giornata di Studio sulla caratterizzazione chimica del PM” - ARPA Lombardia e ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia 2021
Spatial mapping of element concentrations in PM10: A powerful tool to identify spatial relationships between emission sources and oxidative potential of PM Online International Conference on Atmospheric and Earth Sciences 2021
New insights for the assessment of particulate matter ability to induce oxidative stress in living organisms ESMED Congress 2021 - European Society of Medicine 2021


  • PE10_1
  • PE10_9


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

ITA - La sua principale linea di ricerca riguarda lo sviluppo di metodi innovativi per il monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria e la valutazione dell’impatto sulla salute e sull’ambiente del particolato atmosferico.

Attualmente è impegnato in diverse attività di ricerca riguardanti: caratterizzazione chimica, attribuzione delle sorgenti emissive e valutazione dell'impatto sulla salute del particolato atmosferico (PM) in ambienti outdoor e indoor; valutazione del potenziale ossidativo del PM; studio della capacità del PM di indurre stress ossidativo ed effetti tossici in organismi modello/sperimentali; valutazione dell’efficienza delle green technologies per la riduzione degli effetti sulla salute del PM; studio della distribuzione spaziale e temporale delle componenti del PM in aree urbane e industriali; biomonitoraggio dell’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico mediante organismi vegetali, animali, licheni e campioni biologici umani non invasivi (urine, capelli, unghie); analisi chimica di alimenti nell’ambito della sicurezza alimentare, del riutilizzo degli scarti alimentari e della tracciabilità geografica.


ENG - His main research line concerns the development of innovative methods for air quality monitoring and health and environmental impact assessment of airborne particulate matter.

He is currently involved in several research activities concerning chemical characterisation, source apportionment and health impact assessment of airborne particulate matter (PM) in outdoor and indoor environments; assessment of the oxidative potential of PM; study of the PM ability to induce oxidative stress and toxic effects in model/experimental organisms; evaluation of the efficiency of the green technologies for reducing the health effects of PM; study of the spatial and temporal distribution of PM components in urban and industrial areas; biomonitoring of air pollution exposure using plant and animal organisms, lichens and non-invasive human biological samples (urine, hair, nails); chemical analysis of food in the context of food safety, food waste reuse and geographical traceability.


Particulate matter
atmospheric element
oxidative potential
source tracer
chemical fractionation
spatial variability
size distribution
seasonal variation
component analysis (PCA)
Multivariate analysis
air quality monitoring
oxidative stress

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma