Lorenzo Massimi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Innovative experimental approach for identifying spatial relationships between PM oxidative potential and PM chemical composition and sources EAC 2020 European Aerosol Conference 2020
Lichen transplants as indicators of atmospheric element concentrations: a high spatial resolution comparison with PM10 samples in a polluted area (Central Italy) ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2019
Source apportionment of PM10 in Terni (Central Italy) and spatial mapping of atmospheric element concentrations using high spatial resolution chemical data CEMEPE 2019 and SECOTOX - 7th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics 2019
Evidences of copper nanoparticle exposure in indoor environments: Long-term assessment, high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy evaluation, in silico respiratory dosimetry study and possible health implications SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2019
Air quality biomonitoring in an urban and industrial hot-spot of Central Italy CEMEPE 2019 and SECOTOX - 7th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics 2019
Ultrafine, fine and coarse airborne particle mass concentration in workplaces ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH 2019
A prophylactic multi-strain probiotic treatment to reduce the absorption of toxic elements. In-vitro study and biomonitoring of breast milk and infant stools ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL 2019
Oxidative potential of particles collected in different workplaces PM OxidativePotential:response of acellular assays to predict PM-induced oxidative stress activity 2019
Simple and rapid method for the determination of mercury in human hair by cold vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2019
Spatial mapping and dimensional distribution of PM oxidative potential in Terni (Central Italy) 2019
Evaluation of OP acellular assays to predict PM-induced oxidative stress activity in the root system of a plant model organism 2019
Air quality biomonitoring in an urban and industrial hot-spot of Central Italy Ottava edizione del Convegno Giovani Ricercatori 2019
Spatial mapping of PM10 element concentrations in Terni (Central Italy) by using spatially-resolved chemical data Ottava edizione del Convegno Giovani Ricercatori 2019
Potential of PM-selected components to induce oxidative stress and root system alteration in a plant model organism ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL 2019
Potential in mycoremediation of soil saprotrophic fungi: arsenic uptake and tolerance in different nutritional conditions Abstract Book, XVIIII Congress of European Mycologists 2019
Fungi and arsenic: tolerance and bioaccumulation by soil saprotrophic strains 114° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana - VI INTERNATIONAL PLANT SCIENCE CONFERENCE (IPSC) 2019
Spatial Mapping of the Winter and Summer PM10 Element Concentrations in an Urban and Industrial Hot-spot of Central Italy WCAC 2019 - 18th World Clean Air Congress 2019
Food waste materials as low-cost adsorbents for the removal of volatile organic compounds from wastewater MATERIALS 2019
A combined chemical/size fractionation approach to study winter/summer variations, ageing and source strength of atmospheric particles ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2019
Efficiency evaluation of food waste materials for the removal of metals and metalloids from complex multi-element solutions MATERIALS 2018


  • PE10_1
  • PE10_9


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

ITA - La sua principale linea di ricerca riguarda lo sviluppo di metodi innovativi per il monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria e la valutazione dell’impatto sulla salute e sull’ambiente del particolato atmosferico.

Attualmente è impegnato in diverse attività di ricerca riguardanti: caratterizzazione chimica, attribuzione delle sorgenti emissive e valutazione dell'impatto sulla salute del particolato atmosferico (PM) in ambienti outdoor e indoor; valutazione del potenziale ossidativo del PM; studio della capacità del PM di indurre stress ossidativo ed effetti tossici in organismi modello/sperimentali; valutazione dell’efficienza delle green technologies per la riduzione degli effetti sulla salute del PM; studio della distribuzione spaziale e temporale delle componenti del PM in aree urbane e industriali; biomonitoraggio dell’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico mediante organismi vegetali, animali, licheni e campioni biologici umani non invasivi (urine, capelli, unghie); analisi chimica di alimenti nell’ambito della sicurezza alimentare, del riutilizzo degli scarti alimentari e della tracciabilità geografica.


ENG - His main research line concerns the development of innovative methods for air quality monitoring and health and environmental impact assessment of airborne particulate matter.

He is currently involved in several research activities concerning chemical characterisation, source apportionment and health impact assessment of airborne particulate matter (PM) in outdoor and indoor environments; assessment of the oxidative potential of PM; study of the PM ability to induce oxidative stress and toxic effects in model/experimental organisms; evaluation of the efficiency of the green technologies for reducing the health effects of PM; study of the spatial and temporal distribution of PM components in urban and industrial areas; biomonitoring of air pollution exposure using plant and animal organisms, lichens and non-invasive human biological samples (urine, hair, nails); chemical analysis of food in the context of food safety, food waste reuse and geographical traceability.


Particulate matter
atmospheric element
oxidative potential
source tracer
chemical fractionation
spatial variability
size distribution
seasonal variation
component analysis (PCA)
Multivariate analysis
air quality monitoring
oxidative stress

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma