Lorenzo Massimi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Spatial distribution of levoglucosan and alternative biomass burning tracers in atmospheric aerosols, in an urban and industrial hot-spot of Central Italy ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2020
Evaluation of the efficiency of Arundo donax L. leaves as biomonitors for atmospheric element concentrations in an urban and industrial area of Central Italy ATMOSPHERE 2020
Biomonitoring of Mercury in Hair among a Group of Eritreans (Africa) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
A new rapid treatment of human hair for elemental determination by inductively coupled mass spectrometry ANALYTICAL METHODS 2020
Nitric oxide alleviates cadmium- but not arsenic-induced damages in rice roots PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2020
High resolution spatial mapping of element concentrations in PM10. A powerful tool for localization of emission sources ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2020
Fungi and arsenic. Tolerance and bioaccumulation by soil saprotrophic species APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
High spatial resolution analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) using transplanted lichen Evernia prunastri. A case study in Central Italy SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2020
Spatial mapping and size distribution of oxidative potential of particulate matter released by spatially disaggregated sources ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2020
Innovative characterization of particulate matter deposited on urban vegetation leaves through the application of a chemical fractionation procedure INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
Airborne aerosols and human health: leapfrogging from mass concentration to oxidative potential ATMOSPHERE 2020
Effectiveness of Different Sample Treatments for the Elemental Characterization of Bees and Beehive Products MOLECULES 2020
Proceedings. PM2020 - IX Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico Proceedings. PM2020 - IX Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico 2020
PM in ambienti di studio universitari: stagionalità, composizione chimica, sorgenti, infiltrazione dall’esterno 2020
Valutazione dell’efficienza dell’utilizzo di foglie di A. donax L. per il biomonitoraggio delle concentrazioni atmosferiche di componenti elementari di PM10 2020
Mappatura di inquinanti organici aerodispersi mediante lichene Evernia prunastri in un’area a elevato impatto antropico (Italia centrale) 2020
Valutazione della capacità di componenti selezionate di PM di indurre stress ossidativo in un organismo vegetale modello PM 2020 - IX Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico 2020
Assessment of the effects of atmospheric pollutants using the animal model Caenorhabditis elegans ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2020
Application of a chemical fractionation procedure for the characterization of leaf deposited PM EAC 2020 - European Aerosol Conference 2020
Innovative experimental approach for identifying spatial relationships between PM oxidative potential and PM chemical composition and sources EAC 2020 European Aerosol Conference 2020


  • PE10_1
  • PE10_9


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

ITA - La sua principale linea di ricerca riguarda lo sviluppo di metodi innovativi per il monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria e la valutazione dell’impatto sulla salute e sull’ambiente del particolato atmosferico.

Attualmente è impegnato in diverse attività di ricerca riguardanti: caratterizzazione chimica, attribuzione delle sorgenti emissive e valutazione dell'impatto sulla salute del particolato atmosferico (PM) in ambienti outdoor e indoor; valutazione del potenziale ossidativo del PM; studio della capacità del PM di indurre stress ossidativo ed effetti tossici in organismi modello/sperimentali; valutazione dell’efficienza delle green technologies per la riduzione degli effetti sulla salute del PM; studio della distribuzione spaziale e temporale delle componenti del PM in aree urbane e industriali; biomonitoraggio dell’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico mediante organismi vegetali, animali, licheni e campioni biologici umani non invasivi (urine, capelli, unghie); analisi chimica di alimenti nell’ambito della sicurezza alimentare, del riutilizzo degli scarti alimentari e della tracciabilità geografica.


ENG - His main research line concerns the development of innovative methods for air quality monitoring and health and environmental impact assessment of airborne particulate matter.

He is currently involved in several research activities concerning chemical characterisation, source apportionment and health impact assessment of airborne particulate matter (PM) in outdoor and indoor environments; assessment of the oxidative potential of PM; study of the PM ability to induce oxidative stress and toxic effects in model/experimental organisms; evaluation of the efficiency of the green technologies for reducing the health effects of PM; study of the spatial and temporal distribution of PM components in urban and industrial areas; biomonitoring of air pollution exposure using plant and animal organisms, lichens and non-invasive human biological samples (urine, hair, nails); chemical analysis of food in the context of food safety, food waste reuse and geographical traceability.


Particulate matter
atmospheric element
oxidative potential
source tracer
chemical fractionation
spatial variability
size distribution
seasonal variation
component analysis (PCA)
Multivariate analysis
air quality monitoring
oxidative stress

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma