Anna Maria Giusti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Dehydrated mycelia (Cordyceps militaris, Grifola frondosa, Hericium erinaceus and Laricifomes officinalis) as Novel Foods: A comprehensive NMR study LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE 2024
New Advances in Metabolic Syndrome, from Prevention to Treatment: The Role of Diet and Food NUTRIENTS 2023
The Sapienza count-down for a healthy and sustainable diet ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ 2023
Characterization of the phytochemical composition and bioactivities of Anacyclus maroccanus Ball. and Anacyclus radiatus Loisel aerial parts. Preliminary evidence for the possible development of Moroccan plants MOLECULES 2022
Modulatory Properties of Food and Nutraceutical Components Targeting NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation NUTRIENTS 2022
Efficacy of front-of-pack nutrition labels in improving health status NUTRITION 2022
The influence of front-of-pack nutritional labels on eating and purchasing behaviors: a narrative review of the literature EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2022
A multimethodological characterization of Cannabis sativa L. inflorescences from seven dioecious cultivars grown in Italy: the effect of different harvesting stages MOLECULES 2021
Commercial bio-packaging to preserve the quality and extend the shelf-life of vegetables. The case-study of pumpkin samples studied by a multimethodological approach FOODS 2021
In vivo response to an oral fat load of ectopic lipids and acetylcarnitine in skeletal muscle in subjects with obesity CLINICAL NUTRITION ESPEN 2021
Metabolomic profiling of fresh goji (Lycium barbarum l.) berries from two cultivars grown in central italy: A multi-methodological approach MOLECULES 2021
Phytochemical and biological characterization of Italian “sedano bianco di Sperlonga” protected geographical indication celery ecotype. A multimethodological approach FOOD CHEMISTRY 2020
Cannabis sativa L. inflorescences from monoecious cultivars grown in central Italy: an untargeted chemical characterization from early flowering to ripening MOLECULES 2020
New hybrid tomato cultivars: an NMR-based chemical characterization APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Phytocomplex characterization and biological evaluation of powdered fruits and leaves from Elaeagnus angustifolia MOLECULES 2020
Obesity or BMI Paradox? Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION 2020
Impact of Disability, Psychological Status, and Comorbidity on Health-Related Quality of Life Perceived by Subjects with Obesity OBESITY FACTS 2020
Commercial hemp seed oils: a multimethodological characterization APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Chemico-biological characterization of Torpedino Di Fondi® tomato fruits. A comparison with San Marzano cultivar at two ripeness stages ANTIOXIDANTS 2020
Folic acid supplementation in Italian women during pregnancy: A cross-sectional study conducted in general practice NUTRITION 2020


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  • PE4_2

Interessi di ricerca

Gli intreressi  scientifici sono ribvolti a:  Studio di composti bioattivi presenti in alimenti caratteristici della Dieta Mediterranea. Valutazione della suscettibilità all’ossidazione lipidica sia in matrici alimentari che in membrane cellulari e in campioni biologici umani. Valutazione dello stress ossidativo in campioni biologici umani. Valutazione dell’attività antiossidante dei composti bioattivi estratti da matrici vegetali. 



lipid peroxidation
oxidative stress
Human nutrition
bioactive compounds
Mediterranean diet

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma