Luca Salvati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Linking trajectories of land change, land degradation processes and ecosystem services ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2016
Estimating water consumption and irrigation requirements in a long-established Mediterranean rural community by remote sensing and field data IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE 2016
Agricoltura e crisi: verso un nuovo paesaggio della frangia ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE. OLTRE IL PONTE 2016
From Sprawl to Compactness and Back: Long-term Population Dynamics (1848-2011) and the Economic Structure of a Mediterranean city GEOJOURNAL 2016
Economic structure and land-use patterns: a comparative analysis of three Mediterranean cities CURRENT POLITICS AND ECONOMICS OF EUROPE 2016
Characterization of biogas and syngas obtained from pellets of grape vine and sun flower husk using a pyrolysis system PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 2016
Towards an indicator of urban centrality? Exploring changes in present and resident population (1991–2011) in Greece ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2016
Soil occupation efficiency and landscape conservation in four Mediterranean urban regions URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING 2016
Fifty years on: long-term patterns of land sensitivity to desertification in Italy LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 2016
Lost in protest, found in segregation: Divided cities in the light of the 2015 "Οχι" referendum in Greece CITY, CULTURE AND SOCIETY 2016
In-between forest expansion and cropland decline: A revised USLE model for soil erosion risk under land-use change in a Mediterranean region ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2016
'Land-use mixité': Evaluating Urban Hierarchy and the Urban-to-Rural Gradient with an Evenness-based Approach ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2016
Latent sprawl, divided Mediterranean landscapes: urban growth, swimming pools, and the socio-spatial structure of Athens, Greece URBAN GEOGRAPHY 2016
When the crime scene is the road: forensic geoscience indicators applied to road infrastructure and urban greening GEOSCIENCES 2016
Monitoring managed forest structure at the compartment-level under different silvicultural heritages: an exploratory data analysis in Italy JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY 2016
Land-cover changes and sustainable development in a rural cultural landscape of central Italy: classical trends and counter-intuitive results THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND WORLD ECOLOGY 2016
Urban Hierarchy, Income Divides and the Socioeconomic Background of Local Districts in Italy CURRENT POLITICS AND ECONOMICS OF EUROPE 2016
In-between soil erosion and sustainable land management: climate aridity and vegetation in a traditional agro-forest system (Costiera Amalfitana, southern Italy) THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND WORLD ECOLOGY 2016
Toward forest “sprawl”: monitoring and planning a changing landscape for urban sustainability JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH 2016
Land degradation and long-term changes in agro-pastoral systems: An empirical analysis of ecological resilience in Asteroussia - Crete (Greece) CATENA 2016

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma