Roberto Baiocco


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A kid-friendly tool to assess rumination in children and early adolescents: relationships with mother psychopathology and family functioning JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES 2017
Single fathers by choice using surrogacy. Why men decide to have a child as a single parent HUMAN REPRODUCTION 2017
Dysfunctional eating behaviours, anxiety and depression in Italian boys and girls: the role of mass media REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PSIQUIATRIA 2017
Il bullismo subìto e l’associazione tra non-perdono, depressione e rabbia in un campione di adolescenti Italiani BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Giornate Nazionali di Psicologia Positiva X Edizione DALLA TEORIA ALL’APPLICAZIONE: QUALI EVIDENZE DALLA PSICOLOGIA POSITIVA? 2017
Il bullismo omofobico I Amnesty. Trimestrale sui Diretti Umani di Amnesty International 2017
Atteggiamenti verso il matrimonio e il parenting di persone lesbiche e gay: correlazione con sessismo, omofobia e stigma sessuale interiorizzato RIVISTA DI SESSUOLOGIA CLINICA 2017
Parents' reactions to the diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Associations between resolution, family functioning, and child behavior problems THE JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH 2017
Is expressive writing effective in decreasing depression and increasing forgiveness and emotional wellbeing of preadolescents? TERAPIA PSICOLÓGICA 2017
Sexting as the mirror on the wall. Body-esteem attribution, media models, and objectified-body consciousness JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE 2017
Atteggiamenti nei confronti di atleti gay, lesbiche e bisessuali che rivelano il proprio orientamento sessuale all’interno dei contesti sportivi LA CAMERA BLU 2017
Prefazione Lecosecambiano@scuola. Strumenti per combattere il bullismo omofobico 2017
La famiglia da concepire. Il benessere dei bambini e delle bambine con genitori gay e lesbiche 2017
Sports as a dangerous environment: homophobia and bullying 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology - Abstract book 2017
Implicit and explicit attitudes toward same-sex parenting among LGB and heterosexual people 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology - Abstract book 2017
How adolescents with anorexia nervosa and their parents perceive family functioning? JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 2017
Shyness, Unsociability, and Socio-Emotional Functioning at Preschool: The Protective Role of Peer Acceptance JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES 2017
Quando il Sexting diventa una forma di violenza? Motivazioni al sexting e dating violence nei giovani adulti MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL'INFANZIA 2017
L'esperienza di educatrici delle insegnati con bambini e bambine cresciuti con genitori omosessuali: uno studio qualitativo La Famiglia da concepire. Il benessere dei bambini e delle bambine con genitori gay e lesbiche 2017
Coming out during adolescence. Perceived parents' reactions and internalized sexual stigma JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Parent and peer attachment relationship and time perspective in adolescence. Are they related to satisfaction with life? TIME & SOCIETY 2016


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Interessi di ricerca

Roberto Baiocco ( is a Full Professor of Developmental Psychology at the Sapienza University of Rome. He received a degree in Clinical and Community Psychology and a Ph.D. in Psychology both from the Sapienza University of Rome and a Master's Degree in “Family Psychotherapy” at the “Scuola Romana di Terapia Familiare”. He has research interests in three main areas: 1) risk and protective factors experienced by sexual minority adolescents; 2) coming out process and psychological well-being; 3) same-sex parent families and the well-being of children raised by LGBT+ parents. Since 2010, Roberto Baiocco is Director of the Center for the Study of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity at Sapienza University of Rome (à-di-genere).

He published more than 300 articles in international peer-reviewed journals.


sexual orientation
same-sex parenting
Gender Identity
family functioning

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