Mary Anna Venneri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Immune System in Cushing's Syndrome TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 2020
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Does Sex Matter? TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 2020
Disruption of Circadian Rhythms: A Crucial Factor in the Etiology of Infertility INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2020
Epidemiology of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms: a gender perspective ENDOCRINE 2020
Fixing the broken clock in adrenal disorders: focus on glucocorticoids and chronotherapy JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 2020
COVID-19 infection and glucocorticoids: update from the Italian Society of Endocrinology Expert Opinion on steroid replacement in adrenal insufficiency JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION 2020
Targeting the NO-cGMP-PDE5 pathway in COVID-19 infection ANDROLOGY 2020
Diabetic cardiomiopathy progression is triggered by miR122-5p and involves extracellular matrix: A 5-Year prospective study JACC. CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING 2020
From microbiota toward gastro-enteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms: Are we on the highway to hell? REVIEWS IN ENDOCRINE & METABOLIC DISORDERS 2020
PDE5 Inhibitors in Type 2 Diabetes Cardiovascular Complications ENDOCRINES 2020
Emerging Therapies in Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in the Starting Blocks JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2020
Cortisol circadian rhythm and insulin resistance in muscle: effect of dosing and timing of hydrocortisone exposure on insulin sensitivity in synchronized muscle cells NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 2020
Non-Aβ-dependent factors associated with global cognitive and physical function in alzheimer's disease: a pilot multivariate analysis JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2019
PDE5 Inhibition Stimulates Tie2-expressing monocytes and angiopoietin-1 restoring angiogenic homeostasis in diabetes THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 2019
The sex-specific detrimental effect of diabetes and gender-related factors on pre-admission medication adherence among patients hospitalized for ischemic heart disease: insights from EVA study FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2019
Thyroid disorders in programmed death 1 inhibitor-treated patients: Is previous therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors a predisposing factor? CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 2019
USPIO-labeling in M1 and M2-polarized macrophages: an in vitro study using a clinical Magnetic Resonance scanner JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY 2018
Effect of once-daily, modified-release hydrocortisone versus standard glucocorticoid therapy on metabolism and innate immunity in patients with adrenal insufficiency (DREAM): a single-blind, randomised controlled trial THE LANCET DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY 2018
Once-daily, modified-release hydrocortisone in patients with adrenal insufficiency - Authors' reply THE LANCET DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY 2018
Cardiovascular features of possible autonomous cortisol secretion in patients with adrenal incidentalomas EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 2018


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Interessi di ricerca

Sviluppo di modelli preclinici in vitro (colture 2D, 3D, co-colture) e in vivo (modelli murini transgenici,
knock-in/knock-out) per lo studio dei meccanismi coinvolti nello sviluppo e nella progressione delle
patologie immuno-metaboliche (es. Diabete, Obesità) e l’identificazione di bersagli terapeutici e
marcatori molecolari. Studio del cross-talk tra le cellule immunitarie, endoteliare e vascolari per lo
sviluppo di approcci terapeutici innovativi (target therapies). Immuno-phenotyping per la
caratterizzazione delle cellule circolanti (PBMCs) derivate da pazienti. Studio degli effetti degli
interferenti endocrini sul sistema endocrino-metabolico. Studio degli effetti delle alterazioni del
sistema circadiano sul sistema immuno-metabolico.


acute and chronic inflammation diseases
diabetes and metabolism
endocrine disorders

Gruppi di ricerca

Gruppi di ricerca - Responsabile

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma