
2021 - Plato’s Timaeus. Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium Platonicum Pragense
2020 - Creative Resistance: Political Humour in the Arab Uprisings
2020 - Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Die Philosophie des Mittelalters Band 3/1 12. Jahrhundert.
2020 - DiAP nel mondo. DiAP in the world. International Vision. Visioni internazionali
2020 - Advanced Studies in Classification and Data Science
Nieddu, L.; Vicari, Donatella
2020 - NODYCON 2019 Springer Proceedings
Carillo, Sandra; Lo Schiavo, Mauro; Schiebold, Cornelia
2020 - John Dewey’s ethical theory. The 1932 Ethics
2020 - Technological and digital risk. Research issues
ANTENORE, Marzia; Trinca, Elisabetta
2020 - Routledge Handbook of Urban Planning in Africa
2020 - Qamariyyat: oltre ogni frontiera tra letteratura e traduzione. Studi in onore di Isabella Camera d'Afflitto
2020 - Geotechnical Research for Land Protection and Development. Proceedings of CNRIG 2019
Lalicata, L. M.; Rotisciani, G. M.; Desideri, A.; Casini, F.; Thorel, L.
2020 - AIMETA 2019 XXIV Conference The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
2020 - Guía práctica de pragmática del español
Hernández Toribio M., Isabel; Mariottini, Laura
2020 - Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials
2020 - Stili di vita e città del futuro. Roma e Montréal: due realtà a confronto
2020 - Studi in onore di Giuseppe Santoro-Passarelli

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