Infrastrutture di ricerca

Attrezzatura Responsabile Key Enabling Technologies Descrizione Struttura
Videolaryngoscope Electromyograph Life-science technologies & biotechnologies The use of a Swallowing Workstation, to associate, in synchrony, the high-definition imaages of the bolus progression and the electromyographic... DIPARTIMENTO DI ORGANI DI SENSO
Aurical Audiometer, Matrix sentence test, Simplified Matrix test, Starr Test Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Audiometro da ricerca a due vie software di percezione uditiva in quiete e nel rumore DIPARTIMENTO DI ORGANI DI SENSO
Auditory Speech Sound Evaluation (A§E) The Auditory Speech Sound Evaluation (A§E) is a psychoacoustics test suite with supraliminal auditory tests. It is conceived to test children and... DIPARTIMENTO DI ORGANI DI SENSO
Amplitude modulation test Amplitude modulation detection for the determination of cochlear dead zones DIPARTIMENTO DI ORGANI DI SENSO
digital-droplet PCR Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Digital PCR is a technology that provides ultrasensitive and absolute nucleic acid quantification. It is particularly useful for low-abundance... DIPARTIMENTO DI NEUROSCIENZE, SALUTE MENTALE E ORGANI DI SENSO
Microscope Nikon Eclipse Ci-L Life-science technologies & biotechnologies A compact research microscope with superior optical performance. High-quality objective lenses and a dedicated epi-fluorescence attachment... DIPARTIMENTO DI NEUROSCIENZE, SALUTE MENTALE E ORGANI DI SENSO
Softaxic neuronavigation system for TMS (SofTaxic) Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Il sistema di neuronavigazione SofTaxic Optic è un sofisticato sistema di neuronavigazione stereotassica pensato per l'utilizzo con i principali... DIPARTIMENTO DI NEUROSCIENZE UMANE
electromyography machine, magnetic stimulator, H-Coil Neuromuscular electrical signal bioanalyzer Ultra high speed transcranial magnetic stimulator with Brainsway stereotaxic helmet DIPARTIMENTO DI NEUROSCIENZE UMANE
visual stimulation tool - VISUASTIM; BIOPAC Life-science technologies & biotechnologies The MR-compatible VISUASTIM system includes: a slim visor 20/20 and an integrated eye-tracker camera; a high-resolution projector-based system; an... DIPARTIMENTO DI NEUROSCIENZE UMANE
Integrated Next-Generation Sequencing System: Ion GeneStudio S5 System and QuantStudio 3D Digital PCR System Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Integrated Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) system which consists of the following items: Ion Gene Studio S5 System. It is a reliable NGS... DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA TRASLAZIONALE E DI PRECISIONE

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