
Attitudes towards same-sex parenting in Italy. The influence of traditional gender ideology

This study aimed to examine the role of gender ideology, religiosity and political conservatism on attitudes toward same-sex parenting in Italy at a time when same-sex parent families are undergoing attacks from ideological campaigns opposing non-traditional gender roles and families. We collected data from 4,187 heterosexual respondents about attitudes towards two-father and two-mother parenting, homonegativity, attitudes toward traditional masculinity and femininity, religious involvement and political conservatism.

Return to work and quality of life after stroke in Italy: A study on the efficacy of technologically assisted neurorehabilitation

Cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke, are historically considered diseases of old adults so only in a few studies has “return to work” (RTW) been considered as an index of rehabilitative outcome. At the moment, data on RTW in patients with stroke are highly variable: four different reviews reported the following ranges: 11–85%, 19–73%, 22–53%, and 40–45%. The absence of re-integration to work after a stroke is shown to be associated with an increase of cardiac disorders and depression, with a higher level of mortality, with social isolation and with insufficient adaptive skills.

Examining effects of mother and father warmth and control on child externalizing and internalizing problems from age 8 to 13 in nine countries

This study used data from 12 cultural groups in 9 countries (China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and United States; N = 1,315) to investigate bidirectional associations between parental warmth and control, and child externalizing and internalizing behaviors. In addition, the extent to which these associations held across mothers and fathers and across cultures with differing normative levels of parent warmth and control were examined. Mothers, fathers, and children completed measures when children were ages 8 to 13.

Oak decline in the Mediterranean basin: A study case from the southern Apennines (Italy)

It is known that the decline of oaks forest can be triggered by an increase of climatic anomalies such as heat waves, droughts, and extreme cold. The present study aims to deepen the relationships between climate anomalies and oak decline basing on in-field observations made in the Lucanian Apennine (southern Italy) during summer 2017. Remote sensing was used to identify those areas affected by vegetation decline. A comparison of the climatic conditions recorded in 2015 and 2017 was carried out, these years being the hottest and the driest, respectively, since 1800.

Preliminary characterization of the Quercus pubescens complex in southern Italy using molecular markers

Quercus pubescens s.l. is a group of taxonomically intricate and highly debated deciduous white oaks
widely distributed in southern Europe. The Apulia region occupies the south-easternmost part of the Italian Peninsula;
the land-use pattern is based on extensive agricultural systems and only 10% is covered by forests that are
mainly composed of oak woods. It is the region in Italy showing the highest number of oak species, among which
four putative species of the Quercus pubescens group, have been reported in floras and checklists with uncertain

Superuse and upcycling through design: approaches and tools

In Italy, first EU Country to have made GPP one hundred per cent mandatory, the recovery of C&D waste, the use of recycled materials and Design for Disassembly have been mandatory in public building projects since 2015. Nevertheless, in Italy, the renovation and substitution of existing buildings, not conceived to be easily deconstructed, generates 53 million tons/year of C&D waste (80% mixed inert waste) while the recovery rate is limited. Since 2012, the research team has been engaged on the increase of resource productivity in the building sector with two focuses.

Italian recommendations for diagnosis and management of congenital myasthenic syndromes

Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are genetic disorders due to mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in the neuromuscular junction structure and function. CMS usually present in young children, but perinatal and adult onset has been reported. Clinical presentation is highly heterogeneous, ranging from mild symptoms to severe manifestations, sometimes with life-threatening respiratory episodes, especially in the first decade of life. Although considered rare, CMS are probably underestimated due to diagnostic difficulties.

Estimating the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on services provided by Italian Neuromuscular Centers: an Italian Association of Myology survey of the acute phase

Introduction. Since February 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 in Italy has forced the health care system to undergo profound rearrangements in its services and facilities, especially in the worst-hit areas in Northern Italy. In this setting, inpatient and outpatient services had to rethink and reorganize their activities to meet the needs of patients during the “lockdown”.

ATTRv amyloidosis Italian Registry: clinical and epidemiological data

Introduction: ATTRv amyloidosis is worldwide spread with endemic foci in Portugal and Sweden, Japan, Brazil, Maiorca, and Cyprus. A national Registry was developed to characterise the epidemiology and genotype-phenotype correlation of ATTRv amyloidosis in Italy and to allow a better planning of diagnostic and therapeutic services. Methods: Fifteen Italian referral centres for amyloidosis spread all over the country have contributed to the Registry. Results: Four-hundred-forty-seven subjects were enrolled, 187 asymptomatic carriers and 260 affected patients.

Évolution historique et développements récents des politiques publiques en Italie

The aim of our research is to analyze the evolution of public policies in Italy. These policies are undergoing
profound changes in Italy and in Europe as a result of changes in the structure by sex and age of the population
and the social and economic consequences of these changes. Did the Italian policies take into account those
changes ? What has been the role played by the economic and institutional factors in the evolution of policies ?
The second objective of this research is to examine how the public policies adopted in Italy over the past forty

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