Fabrizio Cumo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Urban Renewable Energy Communities and Energy Poverty: a proactive approach to energy transition with Sun4All project IOP CONFERENCE SERIES. EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2022
Cyber-Physical Systems Improving Building Energy Management: Digital Twin and Artificial Intelligence ENERGIES 2021
La sostenibilità ambientale a scala urbana: potenzialità e criticità nell’applicazione del Protocollo ITACA Environmental sustainability on an urban scale: potential and criticality in the application of the ITACA Protocol. URBANISTICA DOSSIER 2021
Predictive maintenance strategy based on Big Data analysis and machine learning approach for advanced Building Management System Proceedings of SEEP 2021 International Conference 2021
Renewable Energy Sources Assessment and System Design based on Open Tools and Digital Twin Models towards Zero Energy Districts: the case study of Anzio Port Proceedings of SDEWES 2021 International Conference 2021
Il futuro delle città europee: politiche e migliori tecnologie disponibili per il Nuovo Bauhaus Europeo - The future of European cities: policies and best available technologies for the New European Bauhau PONTE 2021
Sustainable building materials for mediterranean tourism infrastructures SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN CONSTRUCTION 2020
Optimization of Design and Management of a Hydroponic Greenhouse by Using BIM Application Software INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2020
La ricostruzione del centro Italia: quale strategia eco-solidale/Central Italy reconstruction: an eco-solidarity strategy URBANISTICA DOSSIER 2020
Strategie eco-solidali nella ricostruzione pubblica post-sisma ANANKE 2020
Wind source potential assessment using Sentinel 1 satellite and a new forecasting model based on machine learning: A case study Sardinia islands RENEWABLE ENERGY 2020
The Potential of digital twin model integrated with artificial Intelligence systems 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2020 2020
Il Project Management 4D: strategie digitali per la sostenibilità dei processi realizzativi Il Progetto nell’era digitale. Tecnologia Natura Cultura – SITdA 2020
Adsorption gas Heat Pump fuelled with hydrogen enriched natural gas blends: The analytical simulation model development and validation E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 2020
Support Decision Tool for Sustainable Energy Requalification the Existing Residential Building Stock. The Case Study of Trevignano Romano ENERGIES 2020
Introduzione Deep Renovation. Criteri di efficientamento energetico degli edifici 2020
An identification and a prioritisation of geographic and temporal data gaps of Mediterranean marine databases SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2019
Rifiuti in edilizia ed economia circolare: da downcycling a upcycling con industria 4.0 Building waste and circular economy: from downcycling to upcycling with industry 4.0 Il riciclaggio di scarti e rifiuti in edilizia. Dal Downcycling all’upcycling verso gli obiettivi di economia circolare.Atti del III convegno internazionale ‘Refuse, Reduce, Repair, Reuse, Recycle 2019
Wind energy potential analysis using Sentinel-1 satellite: A review and a case study on Mediterranean islands RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 2019
Building heritage of “Sapienza”: integrated digital tools for the executive project TECHNE 2019

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