Fabrizio Cumo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Energy and acoustic efficiency technical solutions assessments. The case study of the Italian Chamber of Deputies office building 74TH ATI NATIONAL CONGRESS: Energy Conversion: Research, Innovation and Development for Industry and Territories 2019
STRATEGIES AND OUTCOMES OF BIM EDUCATION: ITALIAN EXPERIENCES Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations III 2019
Possibili interventi per la riqualificazione energetica di Palazzo Montecitorio PONTE 2019
Obiettivi, strategie e risultati dell’esperienza italiana sulla formazione universitaria in materia di BIM e digitalizzazione del settore delle costruzioni. PONTE 2019
Analisi energetica degli edifici. Elementi progettuali 2019
Project management - metodologie di gestione dei processi edilizi Project Mangement - Metodologie di gestione dei processi edilizi 2019
Hybrid systems adoption for lowering historic buildings PFEC (primary fossil energy consumption) - A comparative energy analysis RENEWABLE ENERGY 2018
A GIS-based model to assess buildings energy consumption and usable solar energy potential in urban areas SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY 2018
Analysing economic and environmental sustainability related to the use of battery and hydrogen energy storages for increasing the energy independence of small islands ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 2018
Nearshore wave energy converters comparison and Mediterranean small island grid integration SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS 2018
Power-to-gas leverage effect on power-to-heat application for urban renewable thermal energy systems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 2018
CERTIFICAZIONE DELL'EDIFICIO AGE-FRIENDLY - CAP 4 (all'interno del volume "Certificazione di edifici age friendly. Ambiente costruito a misura di anziano") Certificazione di edifici age friendly. Ambiente costruito a misura di anziano 2018
Design solutions for instrumental hydroponic greenhouses for receptive purposes WIT transaction on the built environment 2018
Un modello di pianificazione energetica territoriale per le aree urbane. Energy planning model for urban areas URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2018
Experimental envelopes and their integration in the Building Information Modeling energy simulation process INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT 2018
Certificazione di edifici age-friendly. Ambiente costruito a misura di anziano 2018
Soluzioni innovative per spazi urbani Age-friendly ed alloggi Life-long Ambiente costruito per una ageing society. Building environment for an ageing society 2018
Assessment of a urban sustainability and life quality index for elderly INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2017
Identification and prioritization of areas with high environmental risk in Mediterranean coastal areas. A flexible approach SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2017
How to handle the Hydrogen enriched Natural Gas blends in combustion efficiency measurement procedure of conventional and condensing boilers ENERGY 2017

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