Fabrizio Cumo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A Future direction of machine learning for building energy management. Interpretable models ENERGIES 2024
Museum Li-Fi geolocation. A wireless technology for the fruition and preservation of cultural heritage IRAJ International Journal 2024
Applying Digital Twin Models to Built Environment: Methodological / Approaches and Comparative Experiences ALBANIA NEL TERZO MILLENNIO. ARCHITETTURA, CITTÀ, TERRITORIO 2023
Innovation for the digitization process of the AECO sector TECHNOLOGICAL IMAGINATION IN THE GREEN AND DIGITAL TRANSITION International Conference | Rome, 30 June – 2 July 2022 Conference Proceedings | SpringerH 2023
Tutela culturale e ambientale del suolo e sottosuolo con tecniche “senza scavi” per le infrastrutture dei servizi a rete ANANKE 2023
Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition 2023
Innovation for the Digitization Process of the AECO Sector Technological imagination in the green and digital transition 2023
Energy-efficient solutions: a multi-criteria decision aid tool to achieve the targets of the european EPDB directive ENERGIES 2023
New millennium construction sites: an integrated methodology for the sustainability assessment VITRUVIO 2023
Transforming a historic public office building in the centre of Rome into nZEB. Limits and potentials ENERGIES 2022
Renewable Energy System Controlled by Open-Source Tools and Digital Twin Model: Zero Energy Port Area in Italy ENERGIES 2022
Renewable Energy System Controlled by Open-Source Tools and Digital Twin Model: Zero Energy Port Area in Italy ENERGIES 2022
Infrastrutture dei servizi a rete per la sostenibilità e tutela culturale del suolo e sottosuolo. Potenzialità e criticità delle tecniche senza scavi No-dig Patrimonio culturale e welfare urbano. PNRR, strategie, piani e progetti per la rigenerazione della città contemporanea 2022
La ristrutturazione dei fabbricati collabenti lungo le vie dei percorsi lenti: valorizzazione, digitalizzazione, connettività e accessibilità per nuovi servizi sostenibili. URBANISTICA DOSSIER 2022
Machine learning approach for predictive maintenance in advanced building management system Energy Production and Management in the 21st Century V 2022
The “D2P” approach. Digitalisation, production and performance in the standardised sustainable deep renovation of buildings ENERGIES 2022
Digital construction strategy for project management optimization in a building renovation site: machine learning and big data analysis Trends on Construction in the Digital Era 2022
Urban Renewable Energy Communities and Energy Poverty: a proactive approach to energy transition with Sun4All project IOP CONFERENCE SERIES. EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2022
Cyber-Physical Systems Improving Building Energy Management: Digital Twin and Artificial Intelligence ENERGIES 2021

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