Fabrizio Cumo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Identification and prioritization of areas with high environmental risk in Mediterranean coastal areas. A flexible approach SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2017
How to handle the Hydrogen enriched Natural Gas blends in combustion efficiency measurement procedure of conventional and condensing boilers ENERGY 2017
Enhancing the urban quality of life: A case study of a coastal city in the metropolitan area of Rome WIT Transactions on the Built Environment 2017
Building environments for an ageing society. Surveying tools and intervention strategies [L’ambiente costruito per una società che invecchia. Strumenti di indagine e strategie di intervento] TECHNE 2017
Feasibility of municipal waste reuse for building envelopes for near Zero Energy Building Energy and Sustainability VII 2017
Expert opinion analysis on renewable hydrogen storage systems potential in Europe ENERGIES 2016
Reuse and upcycling of municipalwaste for zeb envelope design in European urban areas SUSTAINABILITY 2016
Cost-benefit analysis for energy management in public buildings: four italian case studies ENERGIES 2016
Technology park in connection with national filing of radioactive waste INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2016
Bat (Best Available Tecnique) applicate alle infrastrutture costiere sostenibili / Best Avaliable Technologies for Sustainable Coastal Infrastructures 2016
Uso Disuso Riuso. Criteri e modalità per il riuso dei rifiuti come materiale per l'edilizia. 2015
Assessment of Environmental Sustainability through Contracts Awarded According to the “Most Economically Advantageous Tender”/La valutazione della sostenibilità ambientale nelle modalità di appalto aggiudicate secondo la “offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa” 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing. - ITeCons 2015
Technologies and strategies to design sustainable tourist accommodations in areas of high environmental value not connected to the electricity grid INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2015
Characterizing the fragmentation level of Italian’s National Parks due to transportation infrastructures TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH. PART D, TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT 2015
A sustainable requalification of Bracciano lake waterfront in Trevignano Romano INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2015
Living together: not necessarily in cities Abitare Insieme/Living Together- Abitare il Futuro 3 edizione/Inhabiting the Future third edition 2015
Selecting eco-friendly thermal systems for the "Vittoriale Degli Italiani" historic museum building SUSTAINABILITY 2015
Innovative uses of rain screen cladding. CFD and gas dispersion analysis of a prototype. 70th Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association, ATI2015 2015

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