Luca Salvati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A multivariate assessment of fringe landscape dynamics in Rome, Italy, and implications for peri-urban forest conservation RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015
Foresta ecosistema complesso. Esplorando le implicazioni territoriali e socio-economiche 2015
Spatial determinants of land-use changes in an urban region (Attica, Greece) between 1987 and 2007 JOURNAL OF LAND USE SCIENCE 2015
Consumo di suolo, crisi, paesaggi agro-forestali: verso un ritorno alla terra? Recuperiamo terreno. Analisi e prospettive per la gestione sostenibile della risorsa suolo 2015
Densifying Athens, decompacting Barcelona, rethinking Rome: a brief reflection beyond sprawl 2015
Mediterranean horizon: desertification, local disparities and new territorial scenarios 2015
In-between urban competitiveness and economic informality. Rise and decline of the 'Mediterranean city' concept 2015
So close yet so far: urban growth, socioeconomic structure and the spatial pattern of crime in a southern European city 2015
Mediterranean, region, development: three key words and a brief commentary Towards A Society with a More Fair Economy or an Economy with a More Social Face: The Contribution of Scientific Social Knowledge to the Alternative Models of Socioeconomic Development 2015
Dalla città compatta alla metropoli diffusa: crescita insediativa e implicazioni sui cambiamenti climatici a scala urbana Pianificazione urbanistica e clima urbano - Manuale per la riduzione dei fenomeni di isola di calore urbano 2015
Analyzing the behavior of selected risk indexes during the 2007 Greek forest fires INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2015
Exploratory analysis of atmospheric pollution in a coastal forest ecosystem in central Italy ANNALS OF SILVICULTURAL RESEARCH 2015
Land quality, economic growth and convergence in territorial dynamics: a brief commentary 2015
Non urbano, non rurale: per un suolo minimo garantito - sprawl dall’altro lato della frangia in un’area metropolitana del Mediterraneo 2015
Exploring Environmental Convergence in complex socio-ecological systems: A brief commentary Towards A Society with a More Fair Economy or an Economy with a More Social Face: The Contribution of Scientific Social Knowledge to the Alternative Models of Socioeconomic Development 2015
Planning for sustainable agro-forest systems: protected areas and soil degradation hotspots in Italy (1990–2010) SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION 2015
Thriasio Plain - Greece: multiple urban-environmental issues and proposals for a possible recovery of the area 2015
Developmental Policies, Long-Term Land-Use Changes and the Way Towards Soil Degradation: Evidence from Southern Italy SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL 2015
Indirect validation of the environmental sensitive area index using soil degradation indicators: a country-scale approach ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2015
Assessing trends in climate aridity and vulnerability to soil degradation in Italy ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2015

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