Luca Salvati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Validation of MEDALUS Fire Risk Index using Forest Fires Statistics through a multivariate approach ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2015
Towards soil water scarcity? An exploratory time-series analysis of the aridity index in Castelporziano forest, Rome RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015
Towards a 'polycentric' landscape? Reconnecting fragments into an integrated network of coastal forests in Rome RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015
Exploring the multiplicity of soil-human interactions: organic carbon content, agro-forest landscapes and the Italian Local Communities ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 2015
Use of insect distribution across landscape-soil units to assess conservation priorities in a Mediterranean coastal reserve: the tenebrionid beetles of Castelporziano (Central Italy) RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015
Exploring the Impact of Overgrazing on Soil Erosion and Land Degradation in a Dry Mediterranean Agro-Forest Landscape (Crete, Greece) ARID LAND RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT 2015
Il dilemma ‘compattezza-diffusione’ verso una nuova urbanità meridionale? ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI 2015
A multivariate approach for assessing leaf photo-assimilation performance using the IPL index PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 2015
Unveiling soil degradation and desertification risk in the Mediterranean basin: a data mining analysis of the relationships between biophysical and socioeconomic factors in agro-forest landscapes JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 2015
Space matters: Reconstructing a Local-scale Okun's Law for Italy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LATEST TRENDS IN FINANCE AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES 2015
In-between coast and inland: a long-term assessment of demographic dynamics, agriculture and urban growth in Rome prefecture ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. RENDICONTI LINCEI. MATEMATICA E APPLICAZIONI 2015
Soil Aridity under Climate Change and Implications for Agriculture in Italy APPLIED MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 2015
Climate changes and forest ecosystems: a multivariate classification of meteorological conditions (1981–2012) in Castelporziano, central Italy RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015
Short-term impact of two liquid organic fertilizers on Solanum lycopersicum L. rhizosphere Eubacteria and Archaea diversity APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY 2015
Linking traditional tree-crop landscapes and agro-biodiversity in Central Italy using a database of typical and traditional products: a multiple risk assessment through a data mining analysis BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 2015
Assessing Polycentric Urban Growth through a Mathematic Morphology Approach INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS & STATISTICS 2015
Land-use and land degradation processes affecting soil resources: Evidence from a traditional Mediterranean cropland (Greece) CATENA 2015
Exploring long-term impact of grazing management on land degradation in the socio-ecological system of Asteroussia Mountains, Greece LAND 2015
Climate variability, soil aridity, and growth rate of Pinus pinea L. in Castelporziano forest: an exploratory data analysis RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015
'Southern' alternatives of urban diffusion: Investigating settlement characteristics and socio-economic patterns in three Mediterranean regions TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ECONOMISCHE EN SOCIALE GEOGRAFIE 2015

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