Luca Salvati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Towards a socioeconomic profile for areas vulnerable to soil compaction? A case study in a Mediterranean country GEODERMA 2015
In bilico tra densità e diffusione: Atene, evoluzione urbana e società, all'ombra della crisi SCIENZE DEL TERRITORIO 2015
Estimating the sensitivity to desertification of Italian forests IFOREST 2015
Exploring time-series of selected air pollution elements in Castelporziano, Rome: the impact on soil and forest ecosystem RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015
Ritorno alla terra dei conflitti: agricoltura peri-urbana e crisi economica MEMORIE GEOGRAFICHE 2015
Recession in action: Exploring the spatial divergence of per-capita income in Greece ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2015
The local-scale impact of soil salinization on the socioeconomic context: An exploratory analysis in Italy CATENA 2015
Towards a sustainable agro-forest landscape? assessing land degradation (1950–2010) and soil quality in Castelporziano forest and peri-urban Rome, Italy RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015
Lost in complexity, found in dispersion: 'Peripheral' development and deregulated urban growth in Rome CITIES 2015
Profiling Agro-Forest Landscape Types at the Wildland-Urban Interface: An Exploratory Analysis AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS 2015
Exploring ecological relationships in the biodeterioration patterns of Angkor temples (Cambodia) along a forest canopy gradient JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 2015
Unravelling landslide risk: soil susceptibility, agro-forest systems and the socioeconomic profile of rural communities in Italy SOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT 2015
Soil quality, local communities and the territorial context: Exploring a latent nexus? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2015
Evaluating quality of life in Greek regions: an exploratory framework CURRENT POLITICS AND ECONOMICS OF EUROPE 2015
‘Land of Fires’: Urban Growth, Economic Crisis, and Forest Fires in Attica, Greece GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH 2015

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