Non-linear circuits and systems, Soft Computing, Pattern Recognition, Computational Intelligence, Granular Computing and Knowledge Discovery, Complex Systems modelling and control, Supervised and unsupervised data driven modeling techniques, neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary algorithms. Design of automatic modeling systems, clustering, classification, function approximation, prediction.Computational Intelligence techniques for Smart Grids and Micro Grids modelling, monitoring and control, Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Mobility, Energy Storage Systems modeling and control, Predictive Diagnostc systems for Condition Based Maintenance, Big Data for Industrial Applications, Classification and clustering systems in structured domains, Machine learning in non-metric spaces, graph and sequence matching, agent-based clustering and substructures mining, parallel and distributed computing. Machine learning for natural language processing, cybersecurity, bioinformatics, medical diagnosis.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma