Infrastrutture di ricerca

Attrezzatura Responsabile Key Enabling Technologies Descrizione Struttura
HAIER BIOMEDICAL ULTRA LOW TEMPERATURE FREEZER Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Corservazione di campioni DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA SPERIMENTALE
High performance liquid chromatography UHPLC Life-science technologies & biotechnologies UHPLC associato ai seguenti detector: fluorimetro, ampreometrico, UV : permette l’identificazione e la quantificazione di aminoacidi... DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIA
High-Throughput Multiscale Imaging of fixed and live biological samples - HTMI Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Scanner Nanoozomer S60NDP Nikon ECLIPSE Ti2 inverted with AX galvano-resonant 2K scanning confocal module and SR DeepSIM module DIPARTIMENTO DI BIOLOGIA E BIOTECNOLOGIE "CHARLES DARWIN"
HPLC semi-preparativo serie LC-4000 JASCO_PREPNAT Fabrication & Manufacturing, Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Lo strumento è un sistema di Cromatografia Liquida ad Alta Prestazione (HPLC) progettato per operare sia in modalità analitica che preparativa, in... DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIE DEL FARMACO
Human High Resolution EEG recording system with EOG, ECG, and EMG control channels / Platform of advanced EEG-EOG-ECG-EMG data analysis Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Electrically-shielded and sound-proof chamber for the recording of multi-electrode high resolution EEG activity and control EOG, ECG, and EMG... DIPARTIMENTO DI FISIOLOGIA E FARMACOLOGIA "VITTORIO ERSPAMER"
Hybrid Energy Hub (HEH) for microgrids, systems and components with renewables, storage, fuel cells and electric vehicles charging stations integrated in smart buildings and energy communities Sustainable technologies & development The equipment consists in a smart microgrid with multiple and hybrid energy sources, storages and loads, including electric vehicles charging... DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA ASTRONAUTICA, ELETTRICA ED ENERGETICA
iBright FL1000 Imaging System Life-science technologies & biotechnologies The iBright FL1000 Imaging system is a powerful, easy-to-use western blot and gel documentation system. They provides sensitive, streamlined,... DIPARTIMENTO DI ORGANI DI SENSO
Infrared Spectroscopy FTIR Nanotechnologies Spettrofotometro FTIR accessoriato per basse frequenze (Far-IR) e ATR DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA
Integrated Next-Generation Sequencing System: Ion GeneStudio S5 System and QuantStudio 3D Digital PCR System Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Integrated Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) system which consists of the following items: Ion Gene Studio S5 System. It is a reliable NGS... DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA TRASLAZIONALE E DI PRECISIONE

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