
Archaeological Landscapes' Drawings. Ten Twentieth Century Architects

The small exhibition "Archaeological Landscapes in the Drawings of Ten Twentieth Century Architects" was held in the School of Architecture at Sapienza University in Rome from 1st October to 31st December 2019 to inaugurate a new teaching path, the Erasmus Joint Master Degree in Architecture Landscape Archaeology (ALA EMJMD), promoted by the Sapienza University of Rome together with the National Technical University of Athens, the University of Coimbra and the Federico II University of Naples and supported by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) through the Europe

La città e i fori, Per una visione strategica di Roma

L’area archeologica urbana più importante al mondo, così come è stata definita nell’ultimo
documento in ordine di tempo che si interessa dell’area dei Fori (Studio per un Piano strategico per
la sistemazione e lo sviluppo dell’Area Archeologica Centrale di Roma, Commissione paritetica
MIBACT - Roma Capitale), è al tempo stesso il cuore della città antica e della città moderna.

The Art of Building (Archaeological) Landscapes. Luigi Moretti's projects for the Appia Antica Park

The small essay discusses some of the numerous projects that the Roman architect Luigi Moretti, having been the trusted professional of the aristocratic families who owned the land, had developed for areas located within today's Appia Antica Park. As it is known, that of the Appia is among the most important territories in Rome for archaeological presences, a place that gave Moretti the opportunity to reflect at length on the relationship between ruins, architecture and landscape and to test, in a broad and open context, his theories on space and perception.


The exhibition wanted to put the attention on the importance of manual drawing for the design thinking, and pursued this intent by proposing ten architects of the XX century and their ideation process for the development of their works in relationship with archaeology. In fact, we believe that manual drawing was, and remains, for the architect, the primary tool for understanding the space and for maturing his own design research.

The Study of Musical Performance in Antiquity: Archaeology and Written Sources

This collection of eleven essays provides the reader with some valuable insights into the richness of sources dealing with music and musical performance scattered over 3000 years and covering a wide range of geographies, from Syria to Iberia, through Greece and Rome. The volume, then, offers a series of examinations of literary data and materials from different areas of the Classical World and the Near East in ancient times and in late Antiquity, examined both synchronically and diachronically, in some cases in dialogue with one another.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma