Vittorio Lingiardi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Defense mechanisms in patients with depressive disorders: a study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis SPR 54th International Annual Meeting Scientific Program 2023
Heart rate variability alterations in takotsubo syndrome and related association with psychological factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2023
Exploring the impact of depressive symptoms on therapeutic alliance in patients with eating disorders Proceedings XXIII National Congress Italian Psychological Association Clinical and Dynamic Section Florence, 15th – 17th September 2023MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Borderline Personality Disorder and High-Risk for Psychosis Research: a Scoping Review Scientific Program of SPR 54th International Annual Meeting 2023 2023
From Theory to Practice: The Need of Restyling Definitions and Assessment Methodologies of Coping and Defense Mechanisms CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Epistemic trust and psychopathology. Is the effect of childhood trauma mediated by epistemic disruptions? 2023
Sensitivity and attachment in sexual minority parent families: Differences by parent gender and caregiving role 18th World Congress for the World Association for Infant Mental Health Book of Abstracts (part 1) Sunday 16th July 2023 2023
The intergenerational transmission of attachment during middle childhood in lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parent families through assisted reproduction: The mediating role of reflective functioning ATTACHMENT & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 2023
Attachment transmission during middle childhood in lesbian, gay, and heterosexual families formed through assisted reproduction 2023
Attachment Figures among Donor-Conceived Children of Lesbian Mothers in Middle Childhood SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2023
Intergenerational transmission of attachment in middle childhood in lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parent families formed by assisted reproduction ICPS 2023 Program Book 2023
Parental Burnout, Coparenting, and Internalized Sexual Stigma During COVID-19 in Parents With Minoritized Sexual Identities JOURNAL OF FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY 2023
PsyCARE study: assessing impact, cost-effectiveness, and transdiagnostic factors of the Italian ministry of health’s “psychological bonus” policy BMC PSYCHOLOGY 2023
“Don’t Leave me Behind!” Problematic Internet Use and Fear of Missing Out Through the Lens of Epistemic Trust in Emerging Adulthood CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Correction to: Peer Microaggressions and Social Skills among School-Age Children of Sexual Minority Parents through Assisted Reproduction: Moderation via the Child–Teacher Relationship JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE 2023
Microaggressions and Dropout When Working With Sexual Minority Parents in Clinical Settings: The Working Alliance as a Mediating Mechanism PSYCHOLOGY OF SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER DIVERSITY 2023
Monkeypox spread among men who have sex with men: how do people explain this relationship? A quali-quantitative study of beliefs among heterosexual and non-heterosexual Italian individuals PSYCHOLOGY & SEXUALITY 2023
The catcher in the mind: validation of the brief-mentalized affectivity scale for adolescents in the Italian population RESEARCH IN PSYCHOTHERAPY 2023
Prosocial and externalizing behaviors in children raised by different-and same-gender parent families: new directions in parenting research 2023
Trust inside and outside the therapeutic room: epistemic trust, psychological functioning, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic 18th European Congress of Psychology, Abstracts 2023


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Interessi di ricerca

Psichiatra e psicoanalista, è Professore ordinario di Psicologia dinamica alla Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia della Sapienza Università di Roma, dove dal 2006 al 2013 ha diretto la Scuola di specializzazione in Psicologia clinica.

Le sue aree di ricerca riguardano: 

  • la valutazione e diagnosi dei disturbi di personalità;
  • la ricerca process-outcome in psicoterapia e psicoanalisi;
  • l’alleanza terapeutica;
  • i meccanismi di difesa;
  • l’ identità di genere e orientamento sessuale.

Su questi argomenti ha pubblicato più di 200 articoli su riviste italiane e internazionali e numerosi volumi.

È presidente della Society for Psychotherapy Research-Italy Area Group (SPR-IAG).

Per il Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) è stato commissario per la Valutazione dell’Idoneità delle Scuole di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia (2013-2016) e per l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (2018-2021).

Con Nancy McWilliams è coordinatore scientifico del progetto internazionale Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2, Guilford Press, 2017; Raffaello Cortina, 2018), con il quale ha vinto l’American Board & Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize.

Tra i suoi ultimi libri: “Arcipelago N. Variazioni sul narcisismo” (Einaudi, 2021); “Al cinema con lo psicoanalista” (Cortina, 2020); “Io, tu, noi. Vivere con se stessi, l’altro, gli altri” (Utet, 2019); “Diagnosi e destino” (Einaudi, 2018); “Mindscapes. Psiche e paesaggio” (Cortina, 2017); “Citizen gay. Affetti e diritti” (il Saggiatore, 2016); “La personalità e i suoi disturbi. Valutazione e diagnosi al servizio del trattamento” (Cortina, 2014); “La valutazione della personalità con la SWAP-200” (Cortina, 2014, con J. Shedler e D. Westen). Ha ricevuto numerosi premi tra cui: il Ralph Roughton Paper Award dell’American Psychoanalytic Association (2014); il Premio Cesare Musatti della Società Psicoanalitica Italiana (2018); il Research Award della Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology (Division 39) dell’American Psychological Association (2019).

Per Raffaello Cortina dirige la collana «Psichiatria Psicoterapia Neuroscienze». Collabora con «il venerdì di Repubblica», dove tiene la rubrica settimanale Psycho, «la Repubblica» e l’inserto culturale «Domenica del Sole 24 Ore».Per Nottetempo Edizioni ha pubblicato due raccolte di poesie: La confusione è precisa in amore (2012) e Alterazioni del ritmo (2015).


personality disorders
psychotherapeutic process
psychotherapy outcome
therapeutic alliance
gender ideology: homophobia
sexual orientation
defense mechanism

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